
Welcome to BYC, and congratulations on your new home, and your new flock. I would ask the previous owner to make up some note cards with name, description, and personality traits. It will help them adapt to you faster if you know their names.
My first flock was an adult flock. I'd sit on a blanket in their yard and just read. I paid them very little attention. Eventually they were climbing all over me. After a week, we were friends forever.
My flock is very friendly with me, but they are shy around strangers. It takes them a little time to warm up to someone else.
Wow, thank you so much for the great advice!! I will definitely do these things! So so helpful! 🥰
Hello! I am a new member and so excited to learn from everyone here!
I grew up on a farm and had chickens and so many other farm animals, but I have been living the suburban life for all of my adult life and it has always been my dream to get back to a farm. Even if it is more of a small hobby farm, since that’s about as far as my city boy hubby is willing to go! lol

My husband and I just bought our final destination home (empty nesters after marrying off our last daughter a year ago), and I am so thrilled to say that on June 28 when we close, I am finally getting my wish! The home we bought even already has the most precious coop and run and 5 hens already happily laying eggs.

I have a lot to learn, but for starters, any advice about how to help them transition as stress-free as possible from their current owner to me would be greatly appreciated!

Peep a couple of my ladies in the attached photo. So happy to be a part of this group!
Welcome. Very pretty and healthy looking barred rocks in the picture your posted.

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