

In the Brooder
Feb 18, 2025
👋🏻 Hi! I'm Megan. I'm a work from home mom in Ventura County, California. I finally feel like I have a groove with managing life with my 8-month-old daughter, Mattie Mae, work tasks, and wrangling our two dogs, Pickle and Tatertot, so I decided it's time for some chickens! I'd planned to get coop ready or layers, but my girl saw chicks at the feed store and was highly entertained, so we've got 6 babies coming next week. I was raised around livestock and equestrian communities, so I've had chickens in the past, but never chicks. This will be a fun new adventure! Looking forward to making memories with Mattie as they all grow up together.

We are getting 2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Barred Plymoth Rocks, and 2 Orpingtons. I may get 2 young Silkies from the neighbor in a few months, if things are going well with our other girls. I loved having pet chickens and ducks as a kid and hope Mattie will look back someday and have fond memories 💛

We're starting our mealworm habitat this week. Found a free acquarium on Marketplace, ordered some 🪱, and my neighbor's 2.5 year old daughter is going to help me set everything up later in the week 🫶🏻

My husband and I work in waste recycling, so the majority of my coop and run supplies will be salvaged. Trying to keep this as afforable and practical as possible on a half acre parcel. I'm sure our setup will evolve over the next two years as we fertilize the property and start planting more.

I'm sure I'll be searching for all kinds of posts on here over the coming months! Thanks for having us!


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