Introduced ducklings to the adults but have questions


Mar 23, 2022
South East USA
There's only 2 of the original 4 adult ducks which is why we got some ducklings.
Ducklings are 2 weeks old and got introduced to the adults for the first time yesterday. They're out there in the pen again today. (separated but together)
One of the adults seems very interested in the littles. Hasn't rushed the pen or shown aggression that I can tell. She is also chasing away her sister from the littles.
Does this mean she's interested in a good way? Does she just want their food and water? LOL!
It's sad to think she's chasing her sister away as that's all they have at the moment.
Do you think when they're old enough to be released that things will go well?
I don't know what to think about her behavior.
I think you need to do a look no touch approach. If you have some baby gates to make a smaller pen you can place the babies in it so that the originals can see them and be near them but not fully interact. At least that’s my opinion. But I also don’t know how old your original ones are.
I think you need to do a look no touch approach. If you have some baby gates to make a smaller pen you can place the babies in it so that the originals can see them and be near them but not fully interact. At least that’s my opinion. But I also don’t know how old your original ones are.
The babies are in their own pen. A see no touch. BUT they are brought outside and back into the brooder still. They're only 2 weeks old. The way the house and run are set up will take some figuring out.
The adults are 5yrs old.
I'm hoping it's a good sign that they didn't charge at the young ones. Integration is stressful (on me too). LOL
They don't need a huge space inside you run just enough they can walk around some and get to know your older flock. I sure wouldn't leave 2 week olds with adults that don't know them.
For now they are brought outside and placed in a smaller pen within the 10x10 pen the older ones can go into. So ducklings are safe from the adults.
The pond takes up most of the pond section of the run which is why we added the 10x10.


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Pond area
With a fenced/covered walkway into the 10x10 pen.
Ducklings day time in 7x3 pen inside the 10x10.


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Looks real nice:thumbsup
Thanks. Poor ducks had 3x the area to roam but we couldn't keep up with the netting due to the trees constantly dropping stuff. I might add a second pen to that one or use a "chunnel" of some sort to give more room. The pen was an easier and quicker way to add space while I decided what to do.
Integrating ducks is worrisome with a pond one can be drowned in. That's why I'm trying to think of the best way to make it work before the time comes.
It must be awfully warm where you are to have 2 week old ducklings outside during the day. That's great when you can let them be outside where they def have more fun.
It must be awfully warm where you are to have 2 week old ducklings outside during the day. That's great when you can let them be outside where they def have more fun.
The weather hasn't cooperated much but it was 80 the first day and 79 the second. I only kept them out there for a few hours (warmest part of the day). We're in the south of USA. We usually have days in the 90's this time of year.

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