
Welcome to BYC! Glad you are here! I’m always excited to learn about a bird I’ve never heard of! (I’m still pretty new to chickens.). I’ve never heard of Norwegian Jaerhons! Do you have a photo?
For the past decade or so we just have a mix of various hens for our own use (eggs and meat). We currently have cream legbar, lavendar orpington, buff chantechlar and ayam cemani. I will get photos. I am recovering from shoulder surgery and not the best for getting out right now. My son is caring for the birds. :)
For the past decade or so we just have a mix of various hens for our own use (eggs and meat). We currently have cream legbar, lavendar orpington, buff chantechlar and ayam cemani. I will get photos. I am recovering from shoulder surgery and not the best for getting out right now. My son is caring for the birds. :)
Thanks for replying! We have two Rhode Island Reds, two Ameraucanas, a Blue Copper Marans, and a Cream Legbar!

Totally understand about the shoulder surgery, too! I tore my labrum in my right shoulder after several dislocations and had it surgically repaired in November. It was not fun. Hope you feel better soon!

Hope you enjoy your time here! 😊

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