Introductory Thread

Hi :frow and
Welcome. I would love to talk with you about veterinary medicine, specifically about chickens. I have a particular interest in controlling opportunistic bacteria. Keeping my eye on a company in Russia that is making a feed addictive from vegetable oil derivatives, which thus far keeps 98% of harmful bacteria away
I'm definitely more interested in dietary supplementation and also phytochemicals than I used to be. I've recently put my flock on a really good-smelling feed that's seasoned with oregano, thyme, rosemary, star anise, kelp, and marigolds. (Nutrena Naturewise 16% layer.) It's way too expensive but if it keeps them from the vet I think that's worth it. (I'm also trying to grow them more forage, but they keep turning the yard into a moonscape... Well, at least I don't have to do any weeding.)

For a long time I thought herbs and stuff were all "essential oils" poppycock but after looking through poultrydvm and reading studies I realized that we've derived much of our modern pharmaceuticals from flora and fauna (like acyclovir--an invaluable antiviral for treating Marek's--is derived from a freakin sea sponge! Unbelievable.) I'm also fond of moronic acid. Hilarious name. Lots of potential.

Thanks y'all for the warm welcome. I've included a picture of Mr. Roku, my current roo and great grandson of Goku the First.
He's very snuggly and sometimes thinks he can feed the girls the designs on my pants.


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