Inventions To Thank Pagans For

The Socratic Method-The nature of this thread is loosely a result of a concept developed by the ancient Greeks. Lots of questions and lots of answers that lead to more questions. Yay! I love learning!

Sumo wrestling-a ceremonial Shinto sport offering displays of strength and entertainment to the gods.

kola nuts-one of the ingredients for one of my favorite soft drinks, discovered in Africa and part of many traditions in many tribes.

There's others I'm sure I could come up with but's late and I have to get up to go to work in 5 hours. Night all.
Ask any Jew, Muslim or Christian. A Pagan is a follower of any of the polytheistic (multiple gods) or pantheistic (God is in everything usually animals) religions. In the ancient times God was revealed more in the cultures as all races had Gods and atheism was not around much as it is a relativly new idea. A lot of the inventions by ancient peoples were made for the connection in worship of a god or gods.

Preservation of seeds and grains was from the Egyptians who relied heavily on worship to thier many gods. Some experts say the American Indians were monotheistic with many "spirits".
Who's Abraham???
decline in silver amounts within coinage you're allowed to make even more coins, more coins means inflation...

& the INTERNET was created by non religious folks at C.E.R.N....regardless of what Al Gore says...
ROFL I'm pretty sure Ol' Al has often rued the day he made that clumsy fox paw (yes, I know how to really spell faux pas). It was something that if you or I said it, we could easily have clarified with better phrasing, but since that soundbite won't ever be allowed to die, he's stuck with it even after several attempts to explain what he meant better.

I do think it's good to note the difference between those who are not-religious and those who are Pagans though. Historically, those who are referred to as Pagans by Christians, worshiped Deities other than the Christians' God, in some cases those who were "B.C." and others who maintained their traditional religions "A.D." either because the Christians didn't reach them to convert them or because they chose to ignore (or resist) the 'conversion', and today's modern Pagans are religious in their own way. It's a term that is used by various mainstream religions to describe anyone other then their own faith, by some to describe anything other than the "big three" religions, or maybe the biggest four or five even. I think it's become an extremely variable term except for those who actually participate in today's modern Pagan faiths, and then it's somewhat variable because there are several different flavors of Paganism.

When I was in college and was visiting a friend's home for a weekend, when the family attended church I went with them. After the service the church had a coffee/tea gathering with some cookies etc to socialize a little, and one of the ladies there asked me what church I normally attended... when I answered with the name of the church, she of course recognized that it was a Catholic church name and immediately started telling me all about how all Catholics are heathens and pagans and worship idols, meaning the statues of the saints that many Catholic churches have on display. Luckily, the minister heard her and came to my rescue by saying he wanted to introduce me to Mrs. So-and-so. I politely said goodby to her, but I couldn't quite choke out that it was nice to meet her! He apologized for her attitude, and hoped I'd forgive her etc etc etc... said I was always welcome if I visited again and hoped that I wouldn't judge the whole congregation by Mrs. whatsername. I was pretty shocked by the things she said, but since I'd been taught to respect my elders (and she was elderly), I managed to be barely polite to her no matter what... and thanked him for aiding my escape.
I'm not sure what I'd do today though.. probably manage my own escape but still be barely polite I think. She sure shocked me though!

They really aren't just 'non-religious' though.

All is just my opinion of course, with no intent to harm or malign anyone in any way.
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ROFL I'm pretty sure Ol' Al has often rued the day he made that clumsy fox paw (yes, I know how to really spell faux pas). It was something that if you or I said it, we could easily have clarified with better phrasing, but since that soundbite won't ever be allowed to die, he's stuck with it even after several attempts to explain what he meant better.

I do think it's good to note the difference between those who are not-religious and those who are Pagans though. Historically, those who are referred to as Pagans by Christians, worshiped Deities other than the Christians' God, in some cases those who were "B.C." and others who maintained their traditional religions "A.D." either because the Christians didn't reach them to convert them or because they chose to ignore (or resist) the 'conversion', and today's modern Pagans are religious in their own way. It's a term that is used by various mainstream religions to describe anyone other then their own faith, by some to describe anything other than the "big three" religions, or maybe the biggest four or five even. I think it's become an extremely variable term except for those who actually participate in today's modern Pagan faiths, and then it's somewhat variable because there are several different flavors of Paganism.

When I was in college and was visiting a friend's home for a weekend, when the family attended church I went with them. After the service the church had a coffee/tea gathering with some cookies etc to socialize a little, and one of the ladies there asked me what church I normally attended... when I answered with the name of the church, she of course recognized that it was a Catholic church name and immediately started telling me all about how all Catholics are heathens and pagans and worship idols, meaning the statues of the saints that many Catholic churches have on display. Luckily, the minister heard her and came to my rescue by saying he wanted to introduce me to Mrs. So-and-so. I politely said goodby to her, but I couldn't quite choke out that it was nice to meet her! He apologized for her attitude, and hoped I'd forgive her etc etc etc... said I was always welcome if I visited again and hoped that I wouldn't judge the whole congregation by Mrs. whatsername. I was pretty shocked by the things she said, but since I'd been taught to respect my elders (and she was elderly), I managed to be barely polite to her no matter what... and thanked him for aiding my escape.
I'm not sure what I'd do today though.. probably manage my own escape but still be barely polite I think. She sure shocked me though!

They really aren't just 'non-religious' though.

All is just my opinion of course, with no intent to harm or malign anyone in any way.

I have met people who have insisted Catholics are not Christian as well. That always confused me.

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