Is anybody else skipping easter this year?

I will drive the 4 hours to my mother's house and dutifully hunt for eggs in the backyard. We've been doing it so long I'd be afraid to tell her I wasn't coming, and I'm pushing 50. My kids won't even hunt eggs any more, but the grandkids do. When my mother goes, that tradition will be going with her lol.
I agree.. that is why I am going to tell you the Easter story as my brother told it to me..

They took this very religious man and tortured him and nailed him to a cross. then he died and they buried him in the hillside with a large rock covering the mouth of the cave.. after three days some angels rolled the rock away from the cave. I guess it was by
co-incidence that this happened on easter sunday.. anyway, the holy man woke up and walked to the entrance of the cave.. there he saw his shadow, and went back in and they had 6 more weeks of winter..

please, no hate mail.. Jesus had a sense of humor, too..
Growing up Easter was the holiday on which I got new pets from the Easter bunny. Don't worry, they weren't the typical Easter impulse buys that would wind up being forgotten and neglected . . . my mother knew she had a child who would care for any animal she threw at it. This year I'm reversing the tradition a bit by being the one to shower my mother with Easter chicks for her future flock.

As an atheist I see no reason to deny myself my favorite childhood holidays, and to add in any others from various cultures or religions that strike my fancy. Easter is one of my favorites, if for no other reason than the colors associated with it. They're just lovely. There were a couple of years that were entirely too topsy turvy for me to attempt any major celebration, but I couldn't let it pass without doing anything. What I did was boil a couple of eggs, color them with some crayons, and eat them. That was enough to make me feel like Easter had actually happened, and it kept it from being just another day.
I agree.. that is why I am going to tell you the Easter story as my brother told it to me..

They took this very religious man and tortured him and nailed him to a cross. then he died and they buried him in the hillside with a large rock covering the mouth of the cave.. after three days some angels rolled the rock away from the cave. I guess it was by
co-incidence that this happened on easter sunday.. anyway, the holy man woke up and walked to the entrance of the cave.. there he saw his shadow, and went back in and they had 6 more weeks of winter..

please, no hate mail.. Jesus had a sense of humor, too..

No hate here, but ust wondering; Did you think it might offend some here who feel that Easter is the most sacred of Holydays?
Easter... wow I've run the gamut of celebrating this holiday in my 39 years; from traditional Easter Sunrise Services to the basic "hey - Easter Bunny came, lets go hunt eggs today" and everything in between, but always with the acknowledgement that it is the 3 day event of Jesus Christ.

This year - we've flip flopped and wont be attending services - last year we did, this year we wont. We will celebrate Him here, beginning on Friday, then head to my mom's house on Saturday to celebrate early with her, and then to visit both our fathers at the cemetaries they lie in, paying our respects to them. We will do an egg hunt for our children at my mom's while reminding them of why the 3 days are so significant, beginning with Friday and ending on Sunday. On Sunday we havent decided yet what we're doing; either heading to WV to visit DH's grandmother to be with her and visit for a bit or stay here and just be with each other.

I'm having issues with attending our church - which is sad - because I go to church for my reasons - and I havent been back to church since November last year because others in this church are telling me what I should and shouldnt be doing. THAT is not what church is about and it certainly isnt a Christian thing by any means. We loved going there in the beginning - but when they got someone new in last year, that person just took over and is now blowing horns and drums every Sunday instead of having choir as it used to be, and making it all about themselves and what they can do vs. as a unity of the members/church.

Not exactly a place I want to be any longer.
Shame really..but then again... God never said you have to be at church to believe in Him either - so we'll celebrate where we see fit as we see fit - in His name.
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No hate here, but ust wondering; Did you think it might offend some here who feel that Easter is the most sacred of Holydays?

Why would anyone be offended by a child's interpretation of Easter?

My dh and I are both Christians, but we don't generally celebrate holidays in the "traditional" sense. We don't buy gifts for everyone and their uncle on Christmas, we don't spend tons of money on candy and decorations for Easter, etc.

Everything is so commercialized, I refuse to buy into it. Do we buy gifts for people ever? Sure we do, but we don't limit our view to major holidays or birthdays only.

Thanksgiving was my favorite holiday growing up, b/c there are no gifts, no decorations to put up and take down, it was just a nice meal with our whole family there. That's the best.
Thank you.

I do have in laws that don't believe in God. Why, oh why, would someone go out and spend money and celebrate Christmas, not X-mas, CHRISTmas, if they did not believe in God. Is it a feel good holiday for them or what? Easter and Christmas are the most important holidays of all. Without the meaning of either one, we would be nothing........................................
we will be coloring eggs on Saturday.
Dh and I will be getting the kids basket ready Saturday night.
Sunday the kid will dress up, we will drive to my moms and have a late lunch/early dinner. Ham I think. My sister and her dh will be there with my niece.
Eat some chocolate and some peeps and head home.

Some variations for Christmas and Thanksgiving.

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