Is anybody else skipping easter this year?

i could never skip Easter, i was born on good friday after all
, we only really celebrate 3 holidays, easter, 4july, and christmas.
Reading this thread, all I can say is: unbelievable.

I personally think this thread has turned into a very interesting conversation! I find it interesting people celebrate different holidays for different reasons!

My beliefs are closer to pagan if ever I was to make the total transition, I would probably still celebrate the holidays. Most holidays were pagan holidays before they were christian and a lot of the fun (albeit sometimes commercialized) traditions originally belonged to the pagans. (I LOVE researching the origins of holidays! Lets one see things from all perspectives!)

In all honesty, the holidays remind me to be thankful for what I have in this world. I may not be able to join my immediate family this easter, but I will be with other family who love me very much...and for this I am very thankful! I've also always thought of easter as a celebration of the spring, and as christmas as a celebration of the winter and the new year. I call them Christmas and Easter because that is what most people recognize, but I think the holidays I celebrate are closer to Yule and Ostara.

I do have to say one of my favorite parts about this time of year when I was little was getting the palm leaves at church on palm sunday. I always LOVED that story! All of the bible stories hold a special place in my heart and they always will, but I guess my life has just taken a different turn!

(I also want to throw in that I HATE how much money is spent on these holidays also. My family has cut back ALOT and no longer exchanges gifts on christmas to anybody other than our very immediate family. In place of exchanging gifts we opted to create family and friend gatherings as we always had more fun seeing people rather than receiving a gift!)​
Glad somebody said it. The bunny, the egg, the "christmas" tree, the halloween mask, the pumpkin and many more. All pagan symbols.
The only reason we aren't having an easter celebration this year is because my SO is working.
In this house there is a wiccan and a christian. It works because we have a tremendous amount of respect for each other and we love each more than anything else in this world.
That's fantastic! I especially love hearing about those relationships working, because when I told my whole family I was atheist back in middle school several members made a point of mentioning I'd never find a man to love me in a nation full of Christians . . . and some of that coming from a man who was disowned by his Baptist family for marrying a Catholic.
A lot of people are terribly closed minded, but there's plenty of open minded people too.
Depends on your religion. Pagans will tell you otherwise. Your reason does apply to christians though. They are also 2 of the only days that a lot of christians go to church. I was always amazed as a child at how many people showed up on those days. My dad never let us miss a Sunday or Holy day.

We celebrate the 2 days like good solid secular people should. Support the retail industry on x-mas and the candy industry on easter.

I disagree. Those who only attend church on those 2 days are not christians. It's not a's a relationship.
i wouldn't call it religion , it's become a tradition.
i too "spend" those holidays like good consumers

i have found myself not claiming one religion , i read the bible (manyx's) and believe and i've attend several churches and have not found one that follows the whole book, most seem to cling to a few sections and forget the rest or twist it to fit, so i'll stay home and enjoy loving my family
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