Is growing 30 Hopi Turquoise Corns ($5) seeds or 75 Mini Blue Popcorn ($4.75) seeds a better plan?


Apr 30, 2022
I want to grow some blue corn in the future and these two varieties caught my eye. I was originally planning to do the Hopi Turquoise but was shocked at the price ($5 for 30 seeds). I plan to buy only one pack of seeds from one of these so I'm trying to decide which one makes the most sense. How well do these varieties do in weather and climate? How do they taste compared to other corn? How well do they produce? Thx,
I don't have any experience with either variety :(

But I found them listed online:

Looking at those descriptions, I notice that they are very different kinds of corn. The Hopi Turquoise should give relatively big ears. The Popcorn will give tiny ears, tiny seeds, and take longer to do it. They will also be popcorn, which is very different if you intend to cook it.

The packets probably have about the same WEIGHT of corn seeds, so the difference in number of seeds might give an idea of how much bigger or smaller the seeds are from one variety to another.

Personally, I'd probably try the Hopi Turquoise, unless you really want popcorn.

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