Is Hoover's still supplying chicks for TSCs this year?


Raising Layers and Meat Birds in the City
Apr 22, 2022
Northern Ohio
I was checking out breeds Hoover's Hatchery has because I know they are one of the main hatcheries that supply for TSC, which is where I might be getting chicks. They have a message on their website that says they can no longer accept new orders for 2025 and every breed is marked as unavailable. Is this because of an outbreak, or are they truly just sold out of everything?
And if they aren't supplying TSC with chicks, which hatcheries are?
Sold out of everything. My TSC has been selling out the afternoon they get their chicks. Meyer & McMurray are severely limited in what is left to choose. Ideal doesn’t have availability until late May/early June and is sold out of many breeds. Cackle also. Welp is sold out. Strombergs only has limited straight run chicks. Mt Healthy has decent availability but you will pay a bit more for their chicks. Good luck.

I would call your TSC and see when they expect their shipment, and get their that day.
Sold out of everything. My TSC has been selling out the afternoon they get their chicks. Meyer & McMurray are severely limited in what is left to choose. Ideal doesn’t have availability until late May/early June and is sold out of many breeds. Cackle also. Welp is sold out. Strombergs only has limited straight run chicks. Mt Healthy has decent availability but you will pay a bit more for their chicks. Good luck.

I would call your TSC and see when they expect their shipment, and get their that day.
Wow, I hope I am able to at least get my Cornish X this year! I do two batches a year, spring and fall. In the fall I preorder from Meyer since TSC is usually done selling by then, but in the spring I usually just grab some from TSC no problem. Maybe I should have made that Meyer order!

Anyway, thanks for the info and advice. I'll definitely be calling in to TSC.
I am not certain about this, but my guess is that the feed stores already have their orders in for the year and the hatcheries' availability is based upon those pending orders. I have not seen any local stores saying that they will not be getting chicks -- only that those chicks are being sold the day that they come in. And some hatcheries are selling all their chicks to retailers and do not have to bother with small individual orders. So if you want chicks from the local feed store -- be there when they become available.

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