is it actually safe to eat an egg that quit?

I owe you an apology, and since I made my post publicly that's the way you deserve the apology. I'm afraid I had my "Sophias" mixed up! I don't recall having any conversations with the Sophia you were responding to, although I'm sure in the big wide world of BYC I have done so a time or two. The young lady that I was thinking of, another Sophia, has a refreshing way of looking at the cycle of life, especially for one so young, which was the entire reason I was so quick to defend her.

I still will admit that the thought expressed by Sophia9 was the same as my initial reaction, I have been a member of Planet Earth long enough to know that different cultures do things differently. So while the notion of balut doesn't appeal to me at all, and the thought of a live chick being steamed sorta does sit wrong, I guess as a lobster lover I should just hold my tongue.

Again, please accept my apology for this misunderstanding. I simply had the wrong Sophia in mind when I posted.
Since I don't like or eat lobster does that mean I can still stick with the initial reaction?
i agree amylynn. people can have there own opinions while NOT bashing other people for theres. especialy since the original person is actually asking a genuine curious question. she deserves the same respect as anyone on here asking for advice and shouldn't be ridiculed
I agree, exchanging a difference of opinion should be done without insults. I myself could not/would not ever think about intentionally boiling a chick alive (even though I incubate in an LG and SC is sure they are natural boilers,
). I'm doing good to eat what little meat I do and I am sure if I ever actually saw an animal slaughtered, I'd probably loose my ability for what little I do eat. I'm not going to get personal, and I don't understand OPs curiousity or desire, but I respect that I am not them.
Really? LOL, so when you said this it wasn't directed at me correct? Quoting me and making the statement you did below did make it personal.

Do you have any idea how much steam would hurt? That would be agony, but then again maybe you think that would make the meat taste better?

 Do you come out as strong against boiling the egg? How about lobster or crab?  do you picket the folks who like to eat oysters and shellfish raw, alive?   Who are we to determine what is right or wrong in someone else's eating habits?  Do you realize how much being boiled to death actually hurts? Do you believe being boiled is better than steam, sheesh, I only responded with what I knew of the way to cook it.

I agree that is us horrible, most people just slit the throat, but I understand that that may be the only way you have known. I do things that people think aren't right all the time, because that is the only way I know. Can we please stop fighting, this is a friendly chicken central place.
this is so random but speaking of peoples opinions of food....i had an old lady at my work talk to me about eating healthy and i was like oh yeah i eat organic and i try to grow my own food as often as i can and she stopped me and looked terrefied and I'm like what

she said " do you know what they grow that organic food in"

i said "What?!"

( i was seriously like oh god is there something she knows that i should know thats bad or something)

She said "poop"

iiiiiiiii could not keep a strait face for the life of me and i literally had to just walk
I agree that is us horrible, most people just slit the throat, but I understand that that may be the only way you have known. I do things that people think aren't right all the time, because that is the only way I know. Can we please stop fighting, this is a friendly chicken central place.

You were talking about an egg not an actual bird...oops.

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