Is it Bad Math?

No respect!


Come on babies
Ok: 2 GCMs hatched overnight, looks like a pair! 2 GCMs unpipped at this time. The last Salmon Fav almost zipped!

Update: It just popped out. Literally!

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If it where me at this point I would be helping the two unpiped. it is most likely already the worst but you never know. Everybody was pretty late, so what is late if everyone else is late?
I opened the last two and they were dead without pipping the internal membrane. I didn't take them completely out but at least one hadn't absorbed all the yolk. RIP little chicks.

But the good news for the buyers is, I have two robust little Favs for one buyer and for the buyer of the Golden Cuckoo Marans, it looks like a pair! I will let the last two fluff up a bit and then move them to the brooder and clean the incubator to lockdown the Icelandics staggered hatch with the first one today.

Thanks to the cheering section. I guess I had a 57% hatch rate from pasofinofarm's shipped eggs. That's not too bad either with 4/7 eggs being Marans.

I will start an Icelandic hatching thread when I have something to report.

Thanks again. Y'all are the best!

Edited for pics.

See the color difference in the GCM's? The darker are supposed to be females, the lighter males. Looks like a pair to me, right?

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It was a bad day here. The heat bulb in the brooder burned out sometime during the night. There was ceramic heat bulb at the other end but alone it didn't keep it warm enough. The temp in the brooder was 73 degrees this morning. I heard chirping and came downstairs to see what was gong on and found it. I put in a replacement bulb and warmed them up. The male GCM had what looked like sudden onset of wry neck although we realized today that he had a problem yesterday with drinking then falling over backwards and aspirating. He was in bad shape this morning. I did all the things I could for him that I had on hand that early, Pedialyte, Polyvisol, etc. He just got worse and worse, unable to stand, head twisting backwards eventually aspirated again. I helped end his suffering.
I cried like a baby. He and his sister were going to a friend for breeding.

So I am keeping Little Sister. The two Salmon Favs are being picked up on Wednesday but I should have one or two new Icelandic chicks by then to keep Sis company.

It was a horrible way to start the day. The other three chicks are happily chirping, eating, drinking and pooping. I am looking forward to a new day.

Thanks bargain and everyone.

I'm so sorry Mary.
I know you did the right thing for the little one.

I guess you'll have to get more GCM eggs to hatch for your friend. And I'm glad you're keeping the girl GCM. (cuz I'll get to see what she looks like in person) are your Ameraucana's doing? I moved mine to the little coop today with the 2 BCM's and Sweet Cheeks (who I still think is a boy
) I put a heat lamp in for them though, since the BCM's and Sweet Cheeks aren't completely feathered in. The Ameraucana's outgrew the brooder. And I'm still waiting on my Welsummers to lay, it's been 20 weeks. (I felt I could hijack your thread)

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