Is it possible to keep ducks without any fence near a public stream?

Not coming back is my main concern too.
I dont mind at all if they go out to swim in the creek. As long as they return before the sun sets.
Mine happily stayed out in the pond until long after dark. We had to scare them out by pretending we were wild animals. But that’s just mine, maybe others have different experiences :).
Are there by any chance duck breeds that tend to stay near their coop/duck house? Btw, I have to buy them in the Netherlands. It’s possible we have different ducks here.
I had a Saxony, Welsh Harlequin, and a Silver Appleyard. The Saxony loved water the most.
Mine happily stayed out in the pond until long after dark. We had to scare them out by pretending we were wild animals. But that’s just mine, maybe others have different experiences :).
Because of predators like foxes, this is not safe.
I had a Saxony, Welsh Harlequin, and a Silver Appleyard. The Saxony loved water the most.
I don’t know much about duck breeds and need to inform myself better.

These are 3 breeds who don’t fly and are recommended for beginners. :
Aylesbury duck, the Campbell duck and the Indian runner duck.
I like the description of the Campbell most.

Another duck that got my interest is the Call duck. Its domesticated too and much smaller than most ducks and comes in different colors. I wonder how loud they are.
I believe call ducks can fly. I have runners, but they are the last to come up if my daughter is feeding by hand...khaki Campbells are second to last. These breeds are also tend to cover ground looking for food.
I see some have commented about ducks not coming off the water. Ducks prefer water to a coop for sleeping. They need to be trained with something like a food incentive in order to get them to come in at night. (Chickens will come in a coop just because that is where they sleep).
Thank you all. Your reactions are very helpful.

I think I leave the subject to itself for a while. Because the arrangements in my chicken flock has to alter a bit before there is space for ducks.
First thing to do now, is to find a new home for my cockerel.

Ideas for a breed are still welcome. Maybe I give it a try in the future. Knowing I might buy a few ducks for a life in freedom. And to make the neighbourhood a more interesting place to enjoy.

I have been wondering if I can keep ducks truly free ranging without confining them within a fence.

Owning ducks don't make me an expert, so don't take my words for the worth they don't have...

...In my (very humble) opinion, taking ducks home without ANY mean to keep them confined in a specific area is a bad idea.

Indeed : I have read stories about ducks flying away, and then being unable to return home (because they got lost)...
...and honestly, just that would be enough for me to NEVER let them freerange without fence.
(Especially given YOU have so much water in your area...!!)

But again : my words are not worth more than my opinion...
...and so, I would ask people who own ducks that are considered/renowed pet-quality - such than Pekins and Rouens.

(To be honest : even though MY ducks are sufficiently educated to go in their respective runs every evening, I actually don't know if they would stay in my yard if ever they were NOT being confined in it!!)

The creek is not on my land (garden). Its a spring/source that starts behind our garden and it flows towards the other side of the neighbourhood where they made a network of ditches/small canals where the water floats too. Its impossible to fence it. At 600 meters its wider and looks like a pond.

Ducks would be really happy here, and I hope you find a way to have them.
(Or I am actually mistaken, and you can then adopt some without the need to confine them!!)

Do ask some help to people in your area - especially if you have children around (the parents would probably like for their children to be able to see ducks everyday...?)!!

I have a transformed playhouse in use as a second coop, mainly for my cockerel now. Until yesterday his sisters (pullets) slept there too.
I put the cockerel in the playhouse every time he roosts with the flock because his crowing is muffled better in there than in the main coop. Unfortunately I can’t keep him because he’s too big for my small Dutch bantams. So I hope to find a good place for him soon.

After he is gone, I could use this playhouse for a few ducks. It’s about 1 m2 / 10 sq ft. For 2 ducks I only have to relocate this playhouse a bit

I don't know about using wood shelters for ducks...? Maybe not on the long term, at least?

I don’t know much about duck breeds and need to inform myself better.

These are 3 breeds who don’t fly and are recommended for beginners. :
Aylesbury duck, the Campbell duck and the Indian runner duck.
I like the description of the Campbell most.

Another duck that got my interest is the Call duck. Its domesticated too and much smaller than most ducks and comes in different colors. I wonder how loud they are.

Given where you live, you really could want to make some research about Dutch Hookbill ducks...!!

(But whatever the breed, you still could want to cut feathers on one wing : even the ducks that are told to not be able to fly actually CAN!!)
I know you said you weren't ready to make a decision earlier, but have you decided anything now?
Yes, its just too complicated with all the water/small canals in my neighbourhood. And I dont want yo handicap the ducks. If a predator comes by they need to be able to fly away from it.
Mine would have happily swum down the creek and never come back - at least not for a few days. They loved water.
Above, for mine too. I have dry ponds on far side of 35 acers. Even when it was only barbwire perimater fences they stay'd around at the water and came back to the barns later in the day.

My first experience seeing ducks was a neighbor who started them as babies in a rabbit hutch size hut. let them out in the morning and shake a bucket walking them down a road to a pond and feed them there. He hung out with them for maybe 3 hours, then shake that bucket to call them to follow him back to his house yard. He didn't take them every day. couple a times a week. By the time were adults he had gone from taking them down there, leaving and going back to get them to come home, to the ducks going down and coming back on their own as adults. He had a house pen so they didn't go everyday. If I were to add something to what he did, I might try using a dog whistle when bringing them home to see if they can pick up on that

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