Is it possible to save this plant?

Oob Child

May 13, 2023
I had a little green terrarium for about 6 months, but then went on a long holiday. Over that time, my terrarium wilted and died. I finally watered it today, and I completely moistened the soil. I'm not sure what type of plants they are.

Is it possible to save these plants and ressurect it from the dead?
Kinda hard to tell what the plant is in the picture but doesn't hurt to try and resurrect it, still looks greenish. The question is the roots having enough life to make a comeback. You gave it some water, trim off the brown stuff, give it a few days, see if it responds.

Do you have a picture of the terrarium from before your holiday? Might be able to id the plants then.
Kinda hard to tell what the plant is in the picture but doesn't hurt to try and resurrect it, still looks greenish. The question is the roots having enough life to make a comeback. You gave it some water, trim off the brown stuff, give it a few days, see if it responds.

Do you have a picture of the terrarium from before your holiday? Might be able to id the plants then.
I don't, actually. There were 4 different plants in there, I'll try doing that this afternoon. Thanks!
Kinda hard to tell what the plant is in the picture but doesn't hurt to try and resurrect it, still looks greenish. The question is the roots having enough life to make a comeback. You gave it some water, trim off the brown stuff, give it a few days, see if it responds.

Do you have a picture of the terrarium from before your holiday? Might be able to id the plants then.
My rule of thumb is "If all the leaves are crackly, it's a goner. If some leaves are still good, try to save it!"
I don't know if this works for houseplants, but I would give it a shot!
Good luck! :frow
I don't have a photo, but there were four different plants. I'll cut off the dead leaves this afternoon. I'm hoping the roots are still alive!
Chlorophytum maybe.

If is Chlorophytum they can regrow from fat roots, but yours does not seem lucky in that sense. This is a bad soil for them. Use real garden soil and cross fingers.

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