Is it too hot to lay eggs?


11 Years
Aug 1, 2012
I have 1 New Hampshire Red and an Ameraucana that are 20 weeks old. I recently adopted an 18 month old Ameraucana that was formerly laying. I moved her in with my girls and she is now part of the family. However, it has been almost 2 weeks and she hasn't layed an egg. Since the other 2 aren't laying yet I'm getting concerned. I expected it to take a few days for her to get comfortable before she started but how long should it take? And while people do point to daylight shortening and cold for reasons of not laying, is heat also a factor? We've had temps consistently in the 100 heat index for the last couple of weeks. Suggestions?
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Hens wont lay if its too cold or too hot, maybe shes still a bit unsettled as they lay when theyre comfortable and happy, but the natural heat can be a factor
It can take sometimes two months for them to settle in and start to lay again. At twenty weeks the other two may just not be ready yet. Yes heats a factor. Young pullets usually less affected than older hens.
Darn! We're in New Orleans so we're hot more often than anything else. Are there ways of cooling the girls down that might help induce egg production.
Darn! We're in New Orleans so we're hot more often than anything else. Are there ways of cooling the girls down that might help induce egg production.

I'm in New Orleans also & the heat has definitely taken a toll on egg production. My 7 RIRs are 2 years old, and I'm down to about 2 eggs per day, barely enough to keep my DH & me fed!
Woohoo! My girls started laying a few days ago and have every day. They seem so proud now and follow me around like the dogs (which they get along with great).
I do have another question though. Since they run to me now I try and pet them. When I do they squat down in a strange pose. I pet them and tell them how proud I am of them and then they come out of their pose. Is that normal?
Woohoo! My girls started laying a few days ago and have every day. They seem so proud now and follow me around like the dogs (which they get along with great).
I do have another question though. Since they run to me now I try and pet them. When I do they squat down in a strange pose. I pet them and tell them how proud I am of them and then they come out of their pose. Is that normal?

That's normal and so is patting them :D congratulations on the eggs :weee

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