Is my coop too open for my chicks?


12 Years
Mar 11, 2007
Dallas TX
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Are you going to have a heat lamp for them in there? I'm not so worried about the daytime temps (although Monday does seem a little cold--maybe wait until Tuesday?), but seems like dropping into the 50s at night sometimes, in conjunction with a very open sort of coop, might make adjusting a little more difficult. I'm just guessing. I have to admit that I do generally err on the side of caution, though.

Edit: DUH!!!!! I now SEE the heat lamp there in plain view.
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I just had a thought, too, that putting down shavings might help insulate them if the ground is still cold from the winter. Otherwise, if they're standing directly on the ground, and the ground is 50 or 60 degrees, that will tend to chill them, too.
I agree with Llysse.....the ground temp will be a bit chilly for looks like it could be a little drafty around the sides. Might I messy as it might be, if you HAVE to put them out....get a bale of straw....break it into cubes, and stack the cubes around the outside edges of the coop..and lay some dowm for them to snuggle into. This should help alot with warmth, and drafts. Good luck...its scarey putting them out for the first time..mine go out next week..UGH, im such a worry wart!
Thank you both so much for your replies. I'm stressing over this so much. I've got to figure a way to cover the edges of the tarpped bits to stop severe drafts. The chicks have to get out to a more spacious area before they start damaging each other more than the butt pecking I'm beginning to see.
If you have a large cardboard box, or two- maybe you could put it inside the coop along with the shavings and added wind block protection. The chicks may decide to quit their butt-picking long enough to huddle together inside the box overnight.

On edit: I mean turned on it's side, so they can choose to go in or stay out.
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You can get some pretty large cardboard boxes from appliance stores. I just got a 65 inch wide screen TV box that is about 5x5x3 foot and double wall. Mine is for a brooder box.
I'm holding off on nesting boxes for now as I can't figure out how to put one in and the chicks are only 5 weeks old and wont be laying for a bit yet.

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