Is my rooster attacking me?

In a bit of a hijack here, can I say that I find it totally fascinating that if you don't have a roo, the hens all treat you like YOU are the rooster, and if you DO have a roo, HE tries to treat you like a hen. Kinda makes you wonder... well, maybe not, I guess they don't call them bird-brains for nuffin eh?
As they say, when all you got's a hammer, everything looks like a nail

As they say, when all you got's a hammer, everything looks like a nail


So true! I guess in their minds three types of beings exist - roos, hens and predators. If you aren't one of them, you must be one of the other two.
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I hope you are listening..... STAND TALL and PRETEND to be confidant and Pretend you are not afraid..... pretend you are tough and the boss... YOU have to be on the top of the pecking order. Even if this roo does not straighten up and act right.... and he becomes dinner... regardless you have got to learn how to be the top dog.... numero uno.. Alpha ... whatever you want to call it YOU are the boss....

Act the part and before you know it you will have the respect of all the chickens including the roo... or he is outta here....

If you were defending a child from being threatened by that roo you would have no problem kicking him across the coop.... Defend yourself with this much vigor... forget about his claws and beak... pretend to be aggressive everytime he confronts you... or makes you feel uncomfortable in the least...
This is making my husband and I laugh, because it happens to him ALL the time with our black Silkie rooster. Hubby's answer is "it means you're about to get drilled". However, this same rooster dearly loves me and actually tries to protect me from the DH.
Don't show him that you're afraid of him. That's your first mistake!! When my roos first start showing signs of aggression, I raise my voice, pull my body up tall and move in their direction. I have yet to have to resort to hitting, kicking, throwing things, etc.

I've had them come at me sideways with their wing dropped and I immediately show them that I'm not afraid of them.

I will NOT be afraid of an animal that I hatched and am feeding. If it comes to that, its the stew pot for them!

Probably right now the most aggressive rooster on my property is my 8 year old grandson's 4 month old BB Red OEGB. I snatched him up the other day and told him that he's no more than a mouthful for me and that he'd better behave. The second I set him down, you'd think his tailfeathers were on fire. He hasn't bothered me since. LOL

Good luck!

I try to stand tall to my rooster, but he has jumped up and pecked my arm. Today, I turned my back on him to fill the water dish and I saw him running up on me and I had a plastic empty milk gallon hug, so my first reaction was to swat him away with it and I hit him in the head. He backed away, but I felt terrible. Until he started to come towards me again. I always talked nicely to him, n give him treats.. but he's so mean. My last rooster would let me pet him...idk why this one won't.
Any advice?
I try to stand tall to my rooster, but he has jumped up and pecked my arm. Today, I turned my back on him to fill the water dish and I saw him running up on me and I had a plastic empty milk gallon hug, so my first reaction was to swat him away with it and I hit him in the head. He backed away, but I felt terrible. Until he started to come towards me again. I always talked nicely to him, n give him treats.. but he's so mean. My last rooster would let me pet him...idk why this one won't.
Any advice?
Crock pot. Keeping a rooster like that is a liability.
I try to stand tall to my rooster, but he has jumped up and pecked my arm. Today, I turned my back on him to fill the water dish and I saw him running up on me and I had a plastic empty milk gallon hug, so my first reaction was to swat him away with it and I hit him in the head. He backed away, but I felt terrible. Until he started to come towards me again. I always talked nicely to him, n give him treats.. but he's so mean. My last rooster would let me pet him...idk why this one won't.
Any advice?
I second culling him, behavior modification rarely works with roosters and even if you get him to leave you alone, he is still a liability with others, especially children. Not to mention human aggression is genetic so you're more likely to have issues out of any chicks he fathers. Nobody likes culling but it is necessary here

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