Is my Turkey dying?

It can't do any harm to try the calcium citrate. There are always individuals that decide they will defy the norm. If she's been in the nest, it might indicate she's feeling the urge to lay or an urge to pass some sort of blockage in the oviduct. Either way, the calcium could help. The citrate form works faster than the carbonate, but you can pop a Tums or two into her if you have no calcium citrate. Oyster shell takes too much time in the system to be absorbed, so it's why tablet form is best in this situation.

What does her poop look like? Is she struggling to breathe? Does she appear to be weak in her legs or stumbling? If your weather suddenly got hot after being cool or mild, her symptoms could be from heat stress.
Thanks for the advice! She's been sleeping more, and her droppings have been white and liquid-y. She's been panting a little bit, it was pretty hot out yesterday (80's). She's been walking and eating/drinking fine
The white, runny poop is another symptom of heat stress. Try giving her one cup of water with one teaspoon sugar and a pinch each of baking soda and salt mixed in. This will restore her electrolyte balance, and she should very, very quickly start to become active again.

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