Is there anything else except Sevin Dust?

saladin thanks for the tip. hey I have been wasting my money .as i was told thats what its to do . i used to use permacrtin dust but at $6.00 a can it was rather costly.
i always said this forum is great.
Im always ready to learn. I will have to get
something else. and question my co-op salesman.
about the Ag lime. he is the one that told me oh well he too will learn somethiing new. LoL
This is what I use as well. You just need a good routine as it wont last for extended periods. You can put it on your birds and in their dust baths as well as in the nest boxes. Good luck with the bugs!

Your feedstore should have (or be able to order) Dri-Kill (I may have the spelling not quite right). It is a rotenone powder and seems to be the universal feedstore poultry dust in Ontario (as in, it is pretty easy to find, and I have yet to find any other kind of poultry dust here
). IME it works reasonably well.

DE is a decent preventative or 'maintenance' dust, but I have not had good luck with it for treating birds that have an actual infestation of mites.

Good luck, have fun,

I was just glancing through and had to take a slower second glance at the link, I thought it said Prozac poultry dust
I'm so dimwitted sometimes
In Gail Damerow's Chicken Health Handbook, she recomends ivermectin injectable liquid, 1%, to use as both a wormer and to kill external parasites. I've given it to mine, several times. I put 2 cc's per gallon in the drinking water, for two days. It will get rid of both internal and external parasites. It takes a few days to get all through the bird's system and into the skin to kill the bugs, but it works. It's an off-label use, it sold for hogs and cattle. I use it on poultry and dogs, too. It seems a little pricey, but it lasts a long time. One $35 bottle has lasted over a year. That's using it for a good sized flock, (always at least 25 birds, sometimes as many as 60 or more, like now) 4 dogs, and trough this summer, 4 hogs. I still have enough left to treat the chickens again, and maybe the hogs, too.

I follow the withdrawal times for cattle, since it isn't labeled for poultry. I normally treat the poultry during the fall molt, when they aren't laying much anyway, so residue in eggs isn't really an issue. Withdrawal time before slaughter in cattle is 35 days, but I don't sell eggs again for a minimum of 6 weeks, longer if they still aren't laying much by then. I use the eggs myself after 10 days. The amount of ivermectin the birds ingest is really tiny. By the time it's worked down to what's left in an egg, I don't think it's a problem for humans. But I wait to sell eggs, to be on the safe side.

Ivermectin is used to treat humans for certain parasites as well, so I don't believe consumption of meat or eggs from animals treated with it poses any significant risk. I tell my egg customers what my birds have been treated with, so they can decide for themselves if they want to use the eggs. So far, nobody has objected.

At the same time that I treat with ivermectin, I clean and spray the coop. I've used kennel dip in the past to spray the coop, but this year I'm trying a neem based fruit tree spray. Neem kills all kinds of insects, and it's safe for poultry and mammals.

Here's a link to the wiki site about ivermectin.
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I already have DE, but if I have mites, its beyond "control" and more to the measure of "eradicate" but I can't purchase Sevin dust here anymore
Thanks Pat, I'll check the feedstore for it ( I think I saw it at Warkworth? I checked Madoc today but nothing what-so-ever, then again Madoc is pretty useless). That is the same issue I had with DE, while it is great for prevention, it is not so great for treatment. I suspect that mites could have come in in either the hay for the nest boxes or in shavings from the mill (We had a case of this with rabbit fur mites and a litter of puppies).
Aha, so I guess it's a Canada thing. I'm in BC and just discovered that we can't get Sevin anywhere.
I do have Dri-Kill and just asked about it in Predators and Pests. Now I have my answer here!
I recently began a thread asking about a product called Bayer Advanced Insecticidal Dust, and how it compares with Sevin. I found it at our Lowes, a big box home improvement store here. It says it's okay to use it on dogs & cats for fleas & lice. I'd like to know if anyone else is familiar with it, and if it can be used like Sevin dust.

I have had great success with 5% Sevin Dust. I only use it when I see actual mites on the birds, and find it gives the birds relief right away. I also sprinkle it around & under the nest boxes of broody hens, to keep the fire ants away from them.

Look to see if that Bayer product is available to you in Canada, and see if it's comparable to Sevin.
If the active ingredient is the same as Sevin then it will not be available to Chick-a-dee -- virtually all OTC pesticides, other than 'natural' relatively nontoxic things like agricultural vinegar, are banned in Ontario (dunno bout elsewhere in Canada)

Wild birds would be the usual source of mites in a chicken flock, unless your run is so completely hardwarecloth-enclosed that there is nowhere a wee sparrow can wedge itself through. My biggest mite problems have been when I had hens in the tractor and a giant flock of starlings had just moved through the yard (you know how they get in late summer, very scary
) and I am quite sure that what was happening was that a buncha mites fell off or jumped ship from the hordes of starlings and then found a nice warm chicken to snuggle up to.

GOod luck,


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