Is this a male or female Rouen? 12 weeks old


In the Brooder
May 14, 2024
We have 2 ducks (first time as duck owners), both 12 weeks old. I *think* the rouen is a male based on my research. The kids and hubs keep hoping one is a hen but I really think we have 2 drakes. These pictures are of Jenna... the Rouen. Jenna has a green bill, has started doing the same flappy dances that Adam (Swedish Blue) does. Now Jenna has started molting again and it sure looks to me like the body is turning more gray. Still no green head or curly tail feather... voice is raspy and quiet. Underneath of wings is basically solid white. Here are 2 pics.. one is blurry but was the best I could get with wings open. 🤣


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I think they are going to wind up going to a farm of a friend that has all females. We do not have room for more than 2 ducks, unfortunately. We are going to wait until they are fully adult feathered.
I'm glad you have a place for them to go to. They will be happy boys going to an all-girl flock.

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