Is this a normal size for easter egger 5 1/2 months

Sure thing!
The oyster shells are a source of calcium. All of the meat is cleaned off of them so there's no protein left.
Any hens who have started to lay will not grow further, but pullets before pol (point of lay) are usually still growing / filling out.
I was reading something the other day about how their bones grow, and there's a special layer of bone meant for lending calcium to egg shells and being built back up again. The source said that if pullets were exposed to high calcium too early, it can sometimes result in problems managing calcium through their laying lifetime. Meaning she could potentially have issues with soft shelled eggs. Something to just keep an eye on. Hopefully all will be well.
That makes sense. I was thinking of waiting for them to lay, and then slowly reintroduced them to oyster shells. We had done that with our other chickens, waiting for eggs before adding oyster shells. So that may be a good idea for them too.
That makes sense. I was thinking of waiting for them to lay, and then slowly reintroduced them to oyster shells. We had done that with our other chickens, waiting for eggs before adding oyster shells. So that may be a good idea for them too.

You can just put it on the side in a separate dish (we're in FL so ours is under a roof overhang out of the rain).
That way it's optional. Hens who need calcium will seek it out. Growing pullets won't consume much if any.
You won't have to worry about when to add it back that way.
That makes sense. I was thinking of waiting for them to lay, and then slowly reintroduced them to oyster shells. We had done that with our other chickens, waiting for eggs before adding oyster shells. So that may be a good idea for them too.
There's no need to wait to add oyster shells. The birds that don't need it simply won't eat it. I also agree with cutting out the corn and oats and feeding an all flock with 20% protein. Your older girl might be feather picking partially because she isn't getting enough protein
You can just put it on the side in a separate dish (we're in FL so ours is under a roof overhang out of the rain).
That way it's optional. Hens who need calcium will seek it out. Growing pullets won't consume much if any.
You won't have to worry about when to add it back that way.
That makes sense, we just need to prevent the EE from being too curious lol.
That makes sense, we just need to prevent the EE from being too curious lol.

LOL... don't worry. She won't eat much. My young ones check it out and even roos may nibble on a piece, but they soon grow bored and leave it alone. As long as it's not mixed into the feed, oyster shell doesn't pose any problems.
The 4% calcium in the layer may have been too much for the growing ones though. But it's a pretty common mistake and not always a big deal.

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