Came home this evening from work to find all three of my chickens with black on their combs, the one lowest on the pecking order has it the most. It is also on one of the chicken's feathers on its head. Is this blood? I could not find any cuts or other proof of blood in their coop or run.
Also if it is blood, would a predator have done this? I did find a clump of red/brown fur by the run door, as well as a smashed egg shell and some evidence of digging around my run this morning.
I know something ate the head off one of my neighbors ducks last week, but I am not aware of any predator that would just leave blood on all three of my chickens without killing any of them.
Here are the pics of two of the three chickens:
Also if it is blood, would a predator have done this? I did find a clump of red/brown fur by the run door, as well as a smashed egg shell and some evidence of digging around my run this morning.
I know something ate the head off one of my neighbors ducks last week, but I am not aware of any predator that would just leave blood on all three of my chickens without killing any of them.
Here are the pics of two of the three chickens: