He/she is making this noise. Is it a distress call?
All my 11 week chicks seem to be maturing and making hen sounds. My silkie has had a tough time.
He/she is way smaller, I found him beak down in the run with his wing hanging out. I brought him on the house for 3 days in a secluded area.
One hen keeps pecking him in the head so I'll probably bring him back in tonight.
Is this a content hen or a distress call?
All my 11 week chicks seem to be maturing and making hen sounds. My silkie has had a tough time.
He/she is way smaller, I found him beak down in the run with his wing hanging out. I brought him on the house for 3 days in a secluded area.
One hen keeps pecking him in the head so I'll probably bring him back in tonight.
Is this a content hen or a distress call?