Is this normal


Sep 8, 2018
Today after school I went to do my chickens and I almost had a heart attack. There where a ton of feathers in the coop but all chickens are a counted and unharmed. No holes near the coop nor any other signs of a break in. But one of my big chickens was lossing a lot of feathers. I picked her up and she jumped down and it looked like a fox attacked her. So is this a predictor problem or molting ( she's 16 mouths )
If you look closely (assuming it's molting, not the aftermath of an attack) you will likely see some little "quills" protruding from her if you carefully lift her remaining feathers and look at her skin. These are completely normal, and are the new feathers growing in. Be gentle with them, because they are fragile in that stage.
Today after school I went to do my chickens and I almost had a heart attack. There where a ton of feathers in the coop but all chickens are a counted and unharmed. No holes near the coop nor any other signs of a break in. But one of my big chickens was lossing a lot of feathers. I picked her up and she jumped down and it looked like a fox attacked her. So is this a predictor problem or molting ( she's 16 mouths )
What makes you think a fox attacked her? Was there blood and cuts? Do you think you could post a picture of her wounds?
I'm pretty certain its molting, as NoFlyBackFarm said. A predator probably would have killed them, not leaving much room for guesswork. ;)
No cuts its just when I hold her and she squaks off a ton of feathers come off of her
This was from me holding her


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She molting. First time I saw that I freaked and did immediate head count... several. Like some here said. Looked a pillow fight in the coop. It amazing how much they can loose when molting sometimes. Right now my run seems to be covered in feathers and it’s 640 sf
I checked them all this morning even the rooster and still no cuts or blood, no holes and break in's


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