Is this normal?


In the Brooder
May 11, 2020
Hoopy Coop Finished.jpg

I was wondering if some experienced chicken people could advise as to weather or not the behavior of my 7 1/2 wk old Black Jersey Giants behavior is normal or not. Today after weeding the garden I took a bucket of the weeds as a treat out to my chicks. It started pouring down rain before I could get there, but instead of going into the back of their new coop and staying dry, the all piled up on top of each other in the left front corner. They were soaking wet and shivering when I got into the coop and even though I tried to call them to the back of the coop where it was dry they wouldn't move. I had to pick up each of them and put them in the back of the coop, all but the smallest hen, who seems to be the smartest and bravest one. They usually run from me but they just swatted and let me move them as if they were more frightened by the rain and grateful I was there. They stayed in the back of the coop during the remainder of the thunderstorm, but can anyone give me insight as to why they didn't go back there on the own? Also we have a 30 inch high roost back there for them but they insist on sleeping all huddled up on each other in the left front by the door. Again, I don't get it? As you can see in the picture above the coop is set up without a tarp over the front 2/3 rds of the coop. We plan on putting a tarp on the entire top but now I'm wondering if I should cover the front in tarp also. I was intending to leave it untarped to give them ventilation, but I don't know now. Advise please is welcome.​
Mine huddle when cold or scared. Chickens aren't the smartest so probably didn't figure out that they would stay dry if in the coop. They usually only go in there at night, when they have to, to feel safe, and just didn't want to during the day. I wouldn't worry.
Okay, thanks. After the thunderstorm I went and checked on them as I was afraid they got to chilled. They seemed to be good and dry and much more tame and trusting of me. They each even let me pet them. The little hen that I spoke of as the smartest one even jumped up on the roost to get close to my face and let me pet her. I kind of figure that they might have just been scared but wasn't sure. I do hope that they have enough sense to come in out of the rain in the future. Do you think that there is a problem with the roost we set up for them? 30 inches tall and I've seem them all jump up there, but they won't roost there for some reason.
Good! Glad to hear. I put all my youngsters up on the roost each night until they figure it takes awhile though! If they can all get up there on their own it should be fine. The older they get the better at getting up there they will be.
Thanks for the insight. That makes me feel better. I just would be sick hearted if I did or didn't do something correctly and they got hurt or die. I wish they had a mama hen to look after them as she would be better at it then me. I can't wait until next year when these babies are old enough to go broody. I think chicky babies do better when they have a mama to teach them. I know I'll worry a lot less.

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