Is this ok? Moult? Too much rooster? something else?


8 Years
Nov 7, 2015

We are in our first year of chicken keeping. I thought this was a moult when it started, and 3 of our hens look like this but this one, Margot is in the worst state. She seems happy, eating and laying etc but can you see that pinky orange bulge at the root of the feather quill? It looks odd, does anyone else think so? (it is raining so she is a bit wet too)

You can try hen saddles... sells them, or you can make your own....
I make my own, not real hard and they don't have to be beautiful, just serviceable.
You can increase your hen to rooster ratio, you can separate your Roo for awhile.
Some roosters get better as they get older, some don't. Some are just rough and 'favorite' girls can take a beating.
You can trim your roo's claws and spurs.
Or you can choose not to have a roo.
Best of luck.
Thanks so much. He isn't agressvive and she is quite willing unlike some of the other hens. But she is by far the favourite. Will try the suggestions, thanks

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