Is this rooster an Araucana?

Which hatcheries? I've seen AmerIcanas used as a marketing name and occasionally I'll see some people accidently selling birds as "Araucanas", but I don't think I've seen any major hatcheries selling "Araucanas". The lethal gene makes them very hard to breed and not really worth the time and effort unless you are a smaller hatchery or breeder trying to work with the breed.
Location is Australia, I don't believe we have Americaunas.
Lethal genes?
I have seen them more or less crested, especially the males.

For a not even one year omd cockerel I would consider his crest too big.
And his spurs appear to have been cut/trimmed (second picture).
My young males have spurs like that. It takes them over a year to get the tips sharp from what I've noticed.

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