Is this splay leg or tendon issue


9 Years
Mar 4, 2015
saraland alabama
If it is a slipped tendon, you should be able to feel it outside of the groove in the back of the hock.

If it is splay leg put a paper towel in the bottom of a tall container such as a cottage cheese container. You may need to barce the container so that it doesn't fall over. It may improve in a couple of days.
I can’t answer that question. But
I know there are folks around here who can 🤞

- was this a poult that you hatched, or purchased?
- if hatched, did you have to assist in hatching?
...If so, please tell us the story.
- what type of “footing” is in your incubator and/ or brooder?
- if it is a hatched poult, what are the parents eating?
- please also let us know if they free range, get “treats” (how much of their feed is commercially prepared vs range time/treats, and any other supplements you may use), have constant access to grit and oyster shell?

@Wyorp Rock
If it is a slipped tendon, you should be able to feel it outside of the groove in the back of the hock.

If it is splay leg put a paper towel in the bottom of a tall container such as a cottage cheese container. You may need to barce the container so that it doesn't fall over. It may improve in a couple of days.
Just got 15 in from porters this one has the leg issue and one’s starting to look like its star gazing. Kinda has snake neck I gave it some poultry cell it’s acting a little better but kinda more lethargic than any of the others.
I can’t answer that question. But
I know there are folks around here who can 🤞

- was this a poult that you hatched, or purchased?
- if hatched, did you have to assist in hatching?
...If so, please tell us the story.
- what type of “footing” is in your incubator and/ or brooder?
- if it is a hatched poult, what are the parents eating?
- please also let us know if they free range, get “treats” (how much of their feed is commercially prepared vs range time/treats, and any other supplements you may use), have constant access to grit and oyster shell?

@Wyorp Rock
@cmobley has been raising turkeys for awhile.

Most splay legged poults are due to assisted hatches.
@cmobley has been raising turkeys for awhile.

Most splay legged poults are due to assisted hatches.
If I have to assist, I do so as little as possible, and only if the issue was “my” fault during incubation.
I make sure they still push their way out even if I choose to step in.

I can’t imagine Kevin (Porter’s) would step in unless absolutely necessary?
We got 16 SG from him last year, and they were the most healthy, sassy poults 💕 Even after a long flight!
But. I’ve also had other fowl that came from trusted hatcheries (that I would purchase from again), with a rare problem.

Sometimes things go wrong.
That said.

Your goals will help you determine the “best” course for this baby.

If you intend to only breed them, or keep them long term, I’d personally cull that one.

If you intend to harvest some for Thanksgiving, I would offer some more thoughts, if the tendons aren’t slipped (Durvet vitamin B, electrolytes if you aren’t already using them, etc, and ....I’d still like to know what you are feeding them...)
I would absolutely pull that one at processing time, if you can get him/her that far (and are certain that you will still be able to identify that one... leg bands work, probably the best IMO, if you aren’t planning to separate your groups)

It will likely be a challenge to help that little one reach a processing weight, but, if you are motivated to do so, it will have a chance.

I would not try to get him/ her to adult size and let it procreate, personally.
update on poults. Gave star gazer poultry cell it’s doing great. The little crippled one was up walking good got up this morning legs splayed again acting lethargic gave it a shot of poultry cell and nutridrench. Not very hopeful kind of a last ditch effort. Losing just one outta 17 pretty good for shipped poults.
This is the star gazer got home today it was under heat plate flat got it up it was gasping noticed its nostrils were clogged with black mucus looking stuff. Got that out and it smelled like rot. You can smell it a foot away. Any idea what this is.

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