I have had a small flock of 7 hens since April 2020. I am down to 3. All but one have died of unknown natural causes. All died suddenly, without much warning, except for the one who met its end with a fox. A necropsy on one hen showed death from renal failure, as she only had 1 kidney. They were all loved and cared for, even spoiled. It was a very long winter and this week is their first week to get out in the nice weather. I noticed one girl over the past 3 days had diarrhea (yellow to green) and isn't eating well. I've washed her well and don't see evidence of any parasites or infections or fly strike. Her comb looks limp and has a bluish tinge to the tips. All she wants to do is lay in the coop away from the other hens. Her breast and crop area feel like there is fluid build up (ascites) and her breathing started to appear more labored this afternoon. She does not appear to be in pain and is not aggressive in her demeanor. I also don't believe she has been laying for the past few months as she used to lay whopper size eggs. She appears comfortable in the place I have laid her by her food and water. The other 2 hens are perfectly normal and not aggressive to their coop mate. I can't identify anything that could warrant immediate intervention like sour crop, as their diet has been primarily commercial feed until recently they were let outside to forage in my fenced in garden area. It could be an impacted or ruptured egg, but I don't want to stress her any further by taking her to the vet or examining her . I think I'm answering my own question, but is this the normal dying process for an older hen that I am witnessing?