Isa Brown X Isa Brown offspring/Chick colour white and lay dark brown egg


Apr 27, 2024
My Isa Brown rooster X Isa Brown hen =the offspring is an angel white feather hen that is now laying a dark brown egg.

She is 6 months old, beautiful, calm, friendly, smart and independent.

Here are the photos of her parents, herself and her dark brown egg.

I read on the internet that Isa Brown is a production layer chicken and thus breeding them will only bring result of more reproductive ill health as Isa Brown known for due to excessive egg laying.

I would love to hear about your experience with having Isa Brown X Isa Brown.

Father..jpg Mother.jpg Daughter 5 months.jpg
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Aww! What is her name?

I have no experience with ISA Brown chickens. I do have Hy-Line hybrid chickens though. I currently have some heritage breed fertile eggs in an incubator, and if they hatch I hope I get some roosters to mate with the Hy-Lines, to see what types of chooks I get.
Is Hy-Line a production layer?

Her name is Adzuki and she is a production layer hybrid - Isa Brown off spring.

Her parents are both hybrid and I was told that it is bad to breed them as they will bring over reproductive ill health. It was an accident that she was hatch by mother hen. I do fear the highly likely ill health to come.

I had an 1 year old hen from Isa brown rooster X silver laced Wyandottee. She is beautiful, but after 4 months of egg laying she is having internal laying issue - I am guessing because she stopped laying but keep on sitting in the nest box, but no egg comes out of her and rather big abdominal. I am seeking help for her on BYC.

I hope you get your rooster, I heard 50% of hatching are rooster .
I did hatch 2 eggs and 1 of them was a rooster.
Is Hy-Line a production layer?

Her name is Adzuki and she is a production layer hybrid - Isa Brown off spring.

Her parents are both hybrid and I was told that it is bad to breed them as they will bring over reproductive ill health. It was an accident that she was hatch by mother hen. I do fear the highly likely ill health to come.

I had an 1 year old hen from Isa brown rooster X silver laced Wyandottee. She is beautiful, but after 4 months of egg laying she is having internal laying issue - I am guessing because she stopped laying but keep on sitting in the nest box, but no egg comes out of her and rather big abdominal. I am seeking help for her on BYC.

I hope you get your rooster, I heard 50% of hatching are rooster .
I did hatch 2 eggs and 1 of them was a rooster.

Thank you!

I hope your Wyandotte cross gets better.

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