Where can i buy, and have shipped, fertile ISA Brown eggs?Hi,
I have a few ISA Brown chickens in my flock and 1 is an ISA Brown rooster. He mated with an ISA Brown hen, she was 5 months into her contraceptive Suprelorin Implants, but she has started laying eggs again.
My Wyandotte has been broody for sometimes and so to give her a break from egg laying I gave her 1 egg from my isa brown hen that is on contraceptive injection X isa brown rooster. This egg was in the refrigerator for over a week. I thought this egg is no longer able to develop as it was in the refrigerator for awhile, but this morning came a baby chick, puffy and bright yellow colour. I only see a little bit of it as my hen was showing protective behaviour.
I read some posts that the offspring of isa brown X isa brown will not be sexlink.
Is there anyway of knowing this chick gender?
What is this offspring of ISA Brown X ISA Brown like?
Anyone have this experience that can share with me please?