ISA Brown X ISA Brown - what will the chicks be?

I have a few ISA Brown chickens in my flock and 1 is an ISA Brown rooster. He mated with an ISA Brown hen, she was 5 months into her contraceptive Suprelorin Implants, but she has started laying eggs again.

My Wyandotte has been broody for sometimes and so to give her a break from egg laying I gave her 1 egg from my isa brown hen that is on contraceptive injection X isa brown rooster. This egg was in the refrigerator for over a week. I thought this egg is no longer able to develop as it was in the refrigerator for awhile, but this morning came a baby chick, puffy and bright yellow colour. I only see a little bit of it as my hen was showing protective behaviour.

I read some posts that the offspring of isa brown X isa brown will not be sexlink.
Is there anyway of knowing this chick gender?
What is this offspring of ISA Brown X ISA Brown like?

Anyone have this experience that can share with me please?
Where can i buy, and have shipped, fertile ISA Brown eggs?
I am in Australia so ....

From what I understand from reading many posts in BYC is that in America you might have similar production chicken like Gorden Comet, Cinnamon Brown. I am not clear whether Isa Brown is also available in America, I think that it would be.

Create a new post with your question in the section of chicken breeders and hatcheries.

Or read this links.

All the best.
I have a few ISA Brown chickens in my flock and 1 is an ISA Brown rooster. He mated with an ISA Brown hen, she was 5 months into her contraceptive Suprelorin Implants, but she has started laying eggs again.

My Wyandotte has been broody for sometimes and so to give her a break from egg laying I gave her 1 egg from my isa brown hen that is on contraceptive injection X isa brown rooster. This egg was in the refrigerator for over a week. I thought this egg is no longer able to develop as it was in the refrigerator for awhile, but this morning came a baby chick, puffy and bright yellow colour. I only see a little bit of it as my hen was showing protective behaviour.

I read some posts that the offspring of isa brown X isa brown will not be sexlink.
Is there anyway of knowing this chick gender?
What is this offspring of ISA Brown X ISA Brown like?

Anyone have this experience that can share with me please?

Hello. Your broody Wyandotte should be fine to hatch and raise the chick.

You are correct that the offspring from mating two ISA Brown chickens will not be a sex-link. It is just like with the Hy-Line hybrid chooks. The chick will carry some traits from each parent of course, but might also show some traits that were recessive in both parents.

You just have to wait and see what gender the chick will be. If they grow a strong reddish comb at only a few months, then they likely are male. A pullet (female child chicken older than a chick) won't grow a prominent comb until about 5-6 months old, just before they reach Point-Of-Lay.

EDIT: Sorry I forgot I replied to this thread earlier, where I found out more of who grew to become the cutie hen Adzuki!
Hello. Your broody Wyandotte should be fine to hatch and raise the chick.

You are correct that the offspring from mating two ISA Brown chickens will not be a sex-link. It is just like with the Hy-Line hybrid chooks. The chick will carry some traits from each parent of course, but might also show some traits that were recessive in both parents.

You just have to wait and see what gender the chick will be. If they grow a strong reddish comb at only a few months, then they likely are male. A pullet (female child chicken older than a chick) won't grow a prominent comb until about 5-6 months old, just before they reach Point-Of-Lay.

EDIT: Sorry I forgot I replied to this thread earlier, where I found out more of who grew to become the cutie hen Adzuki!
My broody Wyandotte hatched the egg and Adzuki is beautiful in appearance and personality. She is like a little angel running around. I no longer have my Isa Brown rooster and there is no way in this world I get another chance to have more offspring of Isa Brown X Isa Brown. I don't know what ill health she has inherited, but for now she lays 7 tiny eggs a week and I am mighty happy and thankful to have her. I kiss her every day at any chance I get.

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