It has begun. I just ordered some of my brooder supplies. I am so excited.


Feb 25, 2024
Corbin, Kentucky
My heat plate and feeders should arrive tomorrow. I plan to purchase a brand-new tote this weekend. No set arrival date for my chicks, but I will be prepared when it happens. I asked my husband for chickens for our 26th anniversary. He agreed. He raised them when he was younger, but that was over 30 years ago. I, on the other hand, have only had what one could term less than happy experiences with chickens during my childhood. I actually feared them for a long time. Nothing like walking out onto your front porch and getting flogged just for stepping out of your own house. Note: WE DID NOT OWN CHICKENS. They were my cousins, and when they would go out on free range, our front porch was a favorite toilet, especially after my grandmother cleaned it. So it has taken me quite a few years, close to 30, to decide I wanted them. Once the brooder set up is complete and we have decided on a "delivery" date, we will begin converting an old shed into a coop and run. I am so excited.
You should get Plymouth Barred Rock. The roosters of that breed are very nice in my experience.

Cream Legbar is also a good breed, because you can tell males from females by color, and they lay blue eggs.
You should get Plymouth Barred Rock. The roosters of that breed are very nice in my experience.

Cream Legbar is also a good breed, because you can tell males from females by color, and they lay blue eggs.
If OP gets sexed chicks, they shouldn't need to worry about roosters?

Barred Rocks are definitely a good idea. I would suggest Orpingtons as well. You don't need to get just one breed, either. Personally I would get a mixed flock, it's much more visually appealing :).
Personally I would get a mixed flock, it's much more visually appealing :).
Pfft... I disagree.
All black with a splash of copper and that fashion statement of a roo.... ♥️🙂

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