Items stolen/Trespassing - Progress on our fence *pics post 91*

Beth, how are things?

Any updates?

I thought I would check in and see how things were.
Hopefully you didn't update with a new thread and I missed it.
Amos... thanks for thinking of us!

Things are ok here. We have been working hard to get fence built... it's taking forever because things just seem to keep going wrong (mostly things because things keep breaking). We've cleared a lot of trees, but have some more to go. We hate to cut down so many, but we're trying to open things up so it is harder for anyone to sneak in there. We also don't want to worry too much about any of the trees coming down on the fence.

Perry showed up down here Sunday evening while I was burning part of the brush pile from the trees we've cleared so far. It scared me to turn around and have him standing there. I only knew it was him because his picture was in the local paper this week because he was caught in a drug bust, but had been released on bail. He was friendly enough - not threatening in any way. He came to inform us that he "knocked out" Mark early that morning because he had come and caused trouble at his house. He said he just wanted us to know that he knocked out the guy who stole our 4-wheeler. His story is that Mark stole it, he bought it from Mark, and then he sold it to the guy where the 4-wheeler was found. I don't know...

Anyway, to give you some idea of the amount of work we have done in the past few weeks, here are a couple of pictures. The first one is the pile of logs from the trees that we cut down. A few bigger Cherries will go to the lumber mill up the road (you can't see them in the pile due to the angle I took the photo from) and the rest will make great firewood to keep us warm next winter. The pile is bigger than when this picture was taken now. The other picture is the brush pile. It's got to be like 30' long and 20' wide (just a guess)... it's tall, too. Maybe 8 feet? I'm not sure.

Wow, looks like you two have been busy! I know what you mean about needing to cut trees but not really wanting to, we're putting in a new shed for our livestock and had to cut some really nice trees and clear a lot of brush, but better than have the work on the building go down the drain because a tree fell on it!

I didn't know that some of the nieghbors were quite that close.. kind of makes a person want to put all the cuttings and brush over by the tree line and make a barrier!

So the police never made an arrest for anyone or anything? Not sure how things are done over there..
Man, that almost makes it worse, maybe Scary Perry should just stay on his own place?

And then to have him 'knock out' Mark? Doesn't he have kids? Hopefully they can work it out civil like.. doubt it though..

Yay for fences!
It sounds like you know exactly what we've been going through. Clearing out trees like this is a lot of work!

The neighbors are fairly close along that edge of the property (still reasonably far from our house, though). The closest one (whose house is in the picture) is a super friendly retired guy and his wife. They have been wonderful to us. Having things opened up will enable them to help keep an eye on things.

I have no idea what the police have done. It is kind of frustrating because they have not told us anything. All I know about is Perry's drug arrest - which happened in the neighboring county. I only know about that because it was in the newspaper.

Yeah, I wasn't real crazy about him coming on our property - especially when I was out there alone. I was SO thankful when my husband came out from the garage and I wasn't dealing with Perry alone. Yep, you remembered right - Mark has kids. I don't know about all that. I feel no sympathy ofr Mark if he showed up at Perry's house at 3am causing trouble like Perry said. I just want the crazy druggie neighbors to leave us alone! I only want to deal with the nice ones! lol.

I can't wait to get fence up!

Sissy, that's the oil well road.
It will be nice for us to use to get to the fields behind the house and I'm sure that the oil well company appreciates it being a little more open, too. Thanks!
Beth, cutting sure is hard work ,
but it made a difference.
now spray it with Round up or White vinegar before it all grows back, DH and I learned the hard way. LoL
We try to be earth friendly.
White vinegar works? I've never heard of that!

We'll definitely have to spray because the trees were mostly cherry and maple which always grows sprouts back from the stump!

We're getting a lot done today!
I'm excited. I'll have to post some new pictures when we get done. We also have some ducklings hatching, so it is definitely a happy day! lol.
I have used the white vinegar( Least)expensive one
Icould find, and it worked for us, sprayed all around the house it killed the weeds, we used it in our sprayers. took about 5 - 6 gallons and Isprinkled Borax around the chicken coops to keep
ants, away.
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