It's all love...

I'm the proud mom of 8 beautiful, spoiled, funny, spectacular chickens. They have the run of our backyard and reward us with a nice weeded, bug free flower beds with lots of holes dug for dirt baths.

We brought our first 5 girls home when they were 2 days old. Their home for the first 3 months was in our guest bathroom. All I can say is "they sure do make a mess!". LOL. 5 were not enough I just need ed 3 more to love and the bathroom nursery started again! We have 2 Rhode Island Reds, 1 Buff Orphington, 1 Brahma, 2 Cohchins, 1 Marin, 1 Ameicauna. I honestly would become a horde of these babies! I just love them...

The funny thing is, I honestly do have my girls as pets. I don't care for eggs. I give them away. My doctor loves them! She also tells me that they are great therapy for me. She doesn't even know the half of it.

I am really happy that I joined BYC because it's so hard to talk to others about my girls when they look at you with this "what ever or it's just a chicken look". Chickens do some of the funniest things and I want to talk about it! Even when my girls are sick I would like to have advice from people that have knowledge and truly care.

Have a truly wondrous day
Jonnie Diann
Please refrain from posting such lush green grass when many of us have snow on the ground up to our knees. Thank you. Just messing with you. Your flock looks so nice and our grass will get like that sometime. LOL. I'm just jealous. Good luck and welcome.
Brahmachicken240 I will post more!! Right now my baby sister is on Hospice and my time will be with her. I will pop in and get my smiles and giggles! Laughter is the best medicine. Thank you for the warm welcome.

How do all of you get all of those adorable emoji's?
When you post look up at the top of your post. Font choices and over to the right is a smiley face etc. Click there and you will find the one you want. Like this::welcome

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