It's appearing on all of my hens

Why would you say such a thing, my friend? If we had a better place, I’d choose that, but this is the best we have right now.

You’d be surprised..this is actually one of the best conditions compared to others.
If you don’t have better conditions for them then why have them? What you’re doing to them makes life absolutely miserable for them…
Is there a reason to keep them so confined? Here's mine.

View attachment 3886948

View attachment 3886949

The young ones are in the first pic, the older gals in the second, sharing snack time with my Sheltie. Everyone gets along.

Is there a reason to keep them so confined? Here's mine.

View attachment 3886948

View attachment 3886949

The young ones are in the first pic, the older gals in the second, sharing snack time with my Sheltie. Everyone gets along.
But we don't live in a first world country, mate.. Here, people don't have the luxury of keeping pet chickens for a hobby or out of convenience.
These are self inflicted wounds due to the conditions they’re kept in. I understand your options may be limited, but as others have said, this will just get worse if conditions are no changed. I would recommend reducing the number of birds in an effort to reduce the stress, which will reduce the injuries. Making no changes is very likely to result in illness and disease that could take out your flock.
It would be better to reduce the flock size if you can’t change their conditions rather than risk loosing the entire flock.
I understand that things are done differently in different countries, but other animals being kept in worse condition isn’t a safe standard to hold your own flock to.
Are we talking about missing feathers, bald spots on face or the horribly trimmed beaks? Is this a holding cage of sorts or their “home?”

If you don’t have better conditions for them then why have them? What you’re doing to them makes life absolutely miserable for them…

What on earth are you talking about? How disconnected from reality must you be to think like this? There are people who can't even afford to keep chickens in these conditions. These are not pets.

Your immediate life has nothing to do with your chickens.... they simply exist because of your luxurious lifestyle.

There are people who have to slaughter their chickens daily and sell them on the street just to survive. Do your chickens have anything to do with your survival or feeding your family?
These are self inflicted wounds due to the conditions they’re kept in. I understand your options may be limited, but as others have said, this will just get worse if conditions are no changed. I would recommend reducing the number of birds in an effort to reduce the stress, which will reduce the injuries. Making no changes is very likely to result in illness and disease that could take out your flock.
It would be better to reduce the flock size if you can’t change their conditions rather than risk loosing the entire flock.
I understand that things are done differently in different countries, but other animals being kept in worse condition isn’t a safe standard to hold your own flock to.
I understand.
Thank you very much
But we don't live in a first world country, mate.. Here, people don't have the luxury of keeping pet chickens for a hobby or out of convenience.
I'm very sorry. I didn't mean to offend. When I lived where I could not provide what I consider a decent life for chickens, I did not have any. You are right, chickens are a luxury here; I understand they are probably a necessity where you are. I also understand you are doing the best you can in your situation. I wish you well, and also your chickens. :hugs
What is this?
It appearing on all of my hens!. On the same spot.
Should I be concerned?
They lay eggs, age 8-9monthsView attachment 3886909View attachment 3886907

Why would you say such a thing, my friend? If we had a better place, I’d choose that, but this is the best we have right now.

You’d be surprised..this is actually one of the best conditions compared to others.

But we don't live in a first world country, mate.. Here, people don't have the luxury of keeping pet chickens for a hobby or out of convenience.
Welcome To BYC

What country are you from?

Sorry no one has answered your question.

I would suspect that you may be dealing with Fowl Pox if you have a lot of mosquitoes.
This may be the start and you will begin to see more bumps or lesions/scabs on the combs and wattles. Hopefully not. If it gets worse, then paint any scabs/bumps with Iodine to help them dry up.

Right now, they (the lesions/bumps) don't look too bad, so you can leave them and see if they worsen or go ahead and use the Iodine.

Birds look alert, bright, well fed and in pretty good condition. Much better than most battery type hens I've seen in the Western World.

Keep us posted on how they get along.
I'm very sorry. I didn't mean to offend. When I lived where I could not provide what I consider a decent life for chickens, I did not have any. You are right, chickens are a luxury here; I understand they are probably a necessity where you are. I also understand you are doing the best you can in your situation. I wish you well, and also your chickens. :hugs

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