It's going to be 99 today in NC, 90% humidity - what are ya'll doing to keep your chickens cool today?


May 11, 2024
The Piedmont of North Carolina
Heat Waves are so fun, are they not? :rant

This is what we have going for our baby flock - been doing the shade for days and it works fantastic, even in 95 degrees I haven't witnessed even one panting chicken. I'm very happy. But today it's extra humid on top of the heat, so we've added a fan to help move the air and some light sprinkling just in front of the fan to cool the air going TO the chickens. The water isn't touching them.

We will also cool down the roof every other hour or so with a spray -- that helps LOADS, even though that Gavalume roof reflects heat like a badass!


What is everyone doing for their chickens in this heat wave we got going in the Eastern US right now?
Mine have been finding refuge in the woods, they barely come out into the sunny areas. I give them watermelon every day and make sure they have fresh water.
I am so curious about this for my girls when they grow up and free range, we have tons of woods all around the pastures but I don't know if they will head that far. They might!

I am just worried they won't come in to the coop to roost and then, omg predators lol

Do yours come back to the coop at night?
Yes, they come back. 💗 I give treats and they come running when they see me 😂😆.
yeah omg mine are only 5-8 weeks old and they already know who gives the fruits! haha

They are the smartest things, took them only 3 days to learn their new final big girl coop. So proud of them!! Tonight they went in all by themselves without any coaxing from me. 🧡
This is everyday weather for my area. All I do if provide fresh cool water twice a day.
oooh yeah Texas is for REAL - mine don't have any shade at all to get to until about 5pm when my house casts a shadow over them, so I have to go the extra mile!
I wet the run to make little puddles as my hens won't do wading pools! I have a nice covered run like yours in years past I have put fans out. I do extra waterers with electrolytes in them. I do check them and if in distress I cool them by bringing in house and dunking their bellies with coolish lukewarm water.
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I have fans running 24/7, have an extra waterer full of electrolyte, have a large and shallow container with a paver in it that I add water and a frozen drink bottle to keep it cool. I also give frozen berries or really cold watermelon once a day.
Yeah!! I haven't seen one in distress yet and today, thankfully, it's going to be 12 degrees cooler than the blazer yesterday.

But that's a great idea!
yesterday we put out one of those half-sized cookie sheets and filled it with water and they kinda just drank from it but a couple of them were brave enough to stand in it lol

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