I've run out of ideas...what could be wrong?

Today she seems to be doing better. She actually chicken talked (bok bok bok bok bok) to me this morning....haven't heard her do that in a while. She is really enjoying the quarantine coop with the heat lamp. I did see her eat a bit of the crumble feed and she loved the scrambled egg I brought her. There were a few more poops, mostly green and still liquidy, without notice of worms. Her right foot is completely healed, I think I caught that one before it got too bad. The left foot is healed where I opened it, but there is still a bit of swelling between her toes. Not nearly like it was before the antibiotic though. I think she is enjoying being alone. I am finding that even with 29 hens, my young rooster is being a bit rough. He may have been picking on her since she was easy to get. I am going to put some electrolytes in her water this afternoon.

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