Jacin's Fiber Art

My skeins i bought aren't as much as they should be. Hoping my counter is just off, but now I have to figure out what to do with them since there almost certainly isn't enough for my planned shawls
Oh, dang! I'm sorry.
Yeah. Even the factory yarn was off by a little bit, but my other two I measured were off by way more than they should have been. One measured at only half what it was suppose to be and the other was only ¾ based off the counter. So I might have to just manually count it some time later on and just spend an hour or so doing it that way. I don't want to start a Shawl and then find out I don't have enough when I run out part way through
My skeins i bought aren't as much as they should be. Hoping my counter is just off, but now I have to figure out what to do with them since there almost certainly isn't enough for my planned shawls
Raise hell with the seller. You paid for X, if you didn't get it ask for your money back

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