Jacin's Painted (DnD) Miniatures

That's a great idea! How do I get the line off at the end? Can it just be popped off or will it peel paint from where it's placed?
Well, don't put a TON of it on and it should just pop off / scrape off with a nail or exacto.. I haven't had an issue with paint pulling as long as it's fully dried before you glue it. Since we're talking the bottom of the base, you can just brush a little touch-up in if it pulls, and then use some clear nail polish to seal the bottom. I normally don't bother painting bases so to me it isn't an issue.
Might have gotten more minis....

Gotta prime these though 😔, so they'll be a bit before I can paint them since I need to get more primer. Planning to do one as a blue ring octopus, Not sure the other two
I've looked at those ones. There are some I kinda like, but I've heard a lot of people say the same warming
it can get out of control quickly.
Just wait until you start shopping resin 3d printers so you can print your own minis on demand. :p That tradeoff is in the "I've spent 5-600 bucks on this and I'm probably going to drop at least a grand more on kits." range.
it can get out of control quickly.
Just wait until you start shopping resin 3d printers so you can print your own minis on demand. :p That tradeoff is in the "I've spent 5-600 bucks on this and I'm probably going to drop at least a grand more on kits." range.
Thankfully I would much rather just pay someone else to print what I want to paint at this point in time

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