Jealous Chicken?


Mar 25, 2025
I have a Buff Orpington hen that has risen to the top of the pecking order (even while being the smallest one her whole life).

She’s so sweet and loves to be picked up. Lately if I have to pick up one of the other hens she will dash over and peck them. No matter what she is doing she will just run full tilt to do it. She’s gotten my hands a couple times but I think those were accidents.

For background they are a flock of 3 Orpingtons and one ISA brown.

Is she jealous of the attention and taking it out on the other hens? Bonus question: why is the smallest hen now the top of the pecking order?

Thanks for any insights!

Yes, it is possible that she's jealous. My hen, Sarah, used to get very jealous of the other hens. I didn't even need to be giving them attention and she'd come over and shew them away so she could get all the affection. She loved sitting on my lap while I petted her and would often fall asleep there. If any hen came near, she'd peck them so I didn't give them any attention.

On the bonus question... Size doesn't usually effect where they are in the pecking order. My little bantam flock of five used to bully much larger flocks of standards.
Being the 'human's favorite' has given her an extra boost in confidence that makes it so the others can't 'touch her.' I've seen this with chickens and other animals as well. If they're good with you and can act like they are as good as you, they'll carry that to the pecking order and use it well. (Not all chickens do this as it does depend on their personality as well, but I've seen a lot. Sometimes there are other factors that help them rise in the pecking order that isn't dependent on size.)

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