Jest Another Day in Pear-A-Dice - Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm in Alberta

I am sooo loving this

Happy to entertain you!

Cool pups Tara.
Everyone is crazy

Monster pups...glad they amuse you, eh!

^~~^ + ^~~^ = "T"rouble!
Cain-ella & Abel-la would have been good names too. Those puppy battles should be televised like a wrestling match.
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I know puppies fight but, I honestly can't remember the Cockers ever doing it past a few weeks of age. Older dogs may have snapped if their roommate didn't want to share anything but no big deal. I guess I am naïve in the real world of puppies & dogs.
Had to get up yesterday morning at 4am to see hubby off at the airport … Last time hubby went away, when he got back I told him “next time you go away you are either taking me or Syba [cat] with you .. do not leave me home alone with him again!” Leading up to this trip, I kept jokingly asking Syba if he had his little suitcase packed because he was going on a trip with his Dad. Starting to think I should have done that ……

I saved a few movies on Foxtel that I wanted to watch again while hubby was away .. Dances With Wolves, Master and Commander, The Shining, The Birds, Fargo and The Postman Always Rings Twice .. got the Peanut M&M’s out last night and sat down at 7pm to watch 3 hours of Dancing With Wolves, thinking that I would sleep really well after getting up at 4. Think again, went to bed at 10 and tossed and turned for 2 hours .. also, Syba is missing his Dad and decided that trying to push me out of bed might be fun or, better yet, sit in the hallway howling because his Dad is not home!

I think I might have to post hubby a cat box sized package

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