July 2015 Hatch A Long HAL

32 chicks out of 42 eggs so far. Still have a few pips. Temp running at 100 degrees, humidity at 65%.
Wow!!! congrats
I was advised that if there is no condensation inside the incubator during lockdown that the humidity isn't high enough. Any truth to that? Is condensation what we should be wanting? Or will they drown with it that high?

The one time I had condensation in the incubator my humidity read above 80% and I had to lower it pretty quick before they drowned. I don't know what your hygrometer reading says.
Still waiting on total of four zippers to break free, but here's some pics of the hatch thus far...

Too many chicks to stay in the incubator...mayhem! Once they dried it was like a mosh pit in there. Off to the brooder!

This Black Copper Maran had a time. Had some inner shell membrane that wrapped around leg and was dragging top half of shell around the bator. The chick eventually fluffed up nice in the incubator and membrane was cut away before adding chick to brooder.

Sooo cute!!!!
Hello I just wanted to say that I put my duck egg in lockdown and it shook, but now it just peeps with no shaking. Should I help him out?
Still waiting on total of four zippers to break free, but here's some pics of the hatch thus far... Too many chicks to stay in the incubator...mayhem! Once they dried it was like a mosh pit in there. Off to the brooder! This Black Copper Maran had a time. Had some inner shell membrane that wrapped around leg and was dragging top half of shell around the bator. The chick eventually fluffed up nice in the incubator and membrane was cut away before adding chick to brooder.
Love the photos. Little babies <3 I'm going to have to take some bad phone photos & upload them to Flickr from there and just share my Flickr pg with you guys if mine hatch out. You guys can feel free to look at all the photos there. You may enjoy them, I think we all love animals & nature. :) Lol @ a chickie mosh pit!
The one time I had condensation in the incubator my humidity read above 80% and I had to lower it pretty quick before they drowned. I don't know what your hygrometer reading says.

My hygrometer is sitting right at 60% (weather has been good these last couple of days, too so it's been holding) with just a small Tupperware of water & a sponge. No condensation.
I had a feeling that was bad advice. Just thought I had better make sure.
After the final candling all four of my daughter's remaining eggs look great and will be going to lockdown. Our broody silkie is going into the final stretch with 3 eggs.
38 of my original 45 eggs have entered lockdown. Eek. Getting the humidity and temperature under control was a challenge, and I'm still keeping a close eye on it. Temp spiked to 104 briefly, and humidity peaked at 77%. LG still air incubators sure keep you busy. If I do this again I'll try for an automatic turner and add a fan.

Thanks for the pictures, and good luck, everyone. I have hope that I'll beat the average 60% hatch rate, but the humidity is still a little high. I'd be happy with 50% and very disappointed with anything less. I have seen them growing and they've made it this far, so I would feel awful if I lost many at this point.
Ended up with 33 out of 42. Last one to hatch was a lavender, it's still in the incubator drying off. Had 6 early quitters, 3 late quitters. Not sure what happened. I would say that's a decent hatch.

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