July 2023 Hatch-A-Long

today was day 3 for my shipped eggs so I candled. It was HORRIBLE. I for sure so life in 6 out of 17!!!! I had a couple that were ? and some I am pretty sure will be clears. The sad thing is 2 that had life a7re ones I kept (I had extra so sold 19 of them that weren't ones I wanted anyways) that I didn't really want but decided to incubate them as they were popular when I hatched them earlier. So I have 4 colored eggs that have life and 3 are EE's. was hoping to have a few different ones to choose from. I wanted project cochins, BB brahmas (have 1 with life), BYM, EE and only have 1 BB and the 3 EE. :( This was going to be my last hatch to try to complete who I was keeping this year and I want colored layers. Now not sure if I should hatch more. maybe some will surprise me and show signs of life in a couple days.
A lot of times I can’t see anything on day 3 unless eggs are white or super light. Day 5 is usually pretty reliable for me, so don’t give up hope!
Didn't think I'd be joining in here, but... Here I am!

I'd taken the eggs that were left in one nest after the ducklings hatched out, plus the ones from another nest which I thought were dead because Mom had stopped sitting consistently, and plopped them in the 'bator. And when I saw a pip, I'd transfer to the Buff duck that was still sitting patiently on her dud eggs. There are currently 10-12 babies under her, but I can't confirm because she will not let me near!!!

Lost one baby, but that didn't surprise me as it was small and seemed to have microcephaly.

I need to clean out the incubator again, because my daughter came home last night, started shuffling things around, including the 'bator, and made an egg I was going to toss explode. :sick
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I think I’ll candle again tomorrow, day 8. Coturnix hatch on day 17, so that means lockdown on day 14! 😳 I have my newborn brooder ready for them, hopefully they will be ok in it for a week or two, as my other two brooders (dog crates) are both being used by the new chicks. Then I can pass them off to my aunt.
My quail are almost 2 weeks old in my chick brooder and have a TON of room. They are tiny!!!! But I only have 4. How many do you have? I think mine hatched around day 18. Let me check. Ok checked it was between day 17/18.
Ugh my colored egg jinx continues. Just checked and 2 of my 6 CCL have quit. 2 are alive but thinking they may quit but hopefully I am wrong.

I saw some light and dark back and forth on like 4-5 of the OE eggs so think they are growing.

Debating on just trying to order some CCL on eBay and hope..... I have 4 other CCL eggs but I offered them to a co-worker.
Ugh my colored egg jinx continues. Just checked and 2 of my 6 CCL have quit. 2 are alive but thinking they may quit but hopefully I am wrong.

I saw some light and dark back and forth on like 4-5 of the OE eggs so think they are growing.

Debating on just trying to order some CCL on eBay and hope..... I have 4 other CCL eggs but I offered them to a co-worker.
I bought CCL eggs from Meyer last year but they didnt have any in stock last time I checked. They are not easy to hatch, I think due to a depleted gene pool, I had 3 of 6 get to lockdown, and only 2 hatch, both pullets when of course I was hoping for 1 of each,

My quail are almost 2 weeks old in my chick brooder and have a TON of room. They are tiny!!!! But I only have 4. How many do you have? I think mine hatched around day 18. Let me check. Ok checked it was between day 17/18.
I have 21 eggs, but doubt that many will hatch. We will see how many are viable at dark!
I bought CCL eggs from Meyer last year but they didnt have any in stock last time I checked. They are not easy to hatch, I think due to a depleted gene pool, I had 3 of 6 get to lockdown, and only 2 hatch, both pullets when of course I was hoping for 1 of each,

I have 21 eggs, but doubt that many will hatch. We will see how many are viable at dark!
Maybe if they aren't easy to hatch I will wait. Mine aren't shipped and right now 4/8 are good on day 5. I really only need 1 pullet.

I bet most of yours will hatch.
I haven't had any luck with fully detached air cells even developing. But wobbly air cells that slid down the side of the egg I did. Most ended up saddled some horribly saddled but hatched just fine!
Awesome to know. I’ve been worried I’d have to intervene during hatching because I haven’t had experience with these issues.
Momma duck *finally* got off the nest to go grab food and water! She's now letting the other Momma take care of her ducklings, at least some of them!


Not all of them went outside yet though. /some are still in the nest with Mom.


Final total of hatchlings is 13, minus one that died. So 12 babies! Out of the two nests, we got 25!
Momma duck *finally* got off the nest to go grab food and water! She's now letting the other Momma take care of her ducklings, at least some of them!

View attachment 3565720

Not all of them went outside yet though. /some are still in the nest with Mom.

View attachment 3565722

Final total of hatchlings is 13, minus one that died. So 12 babies! Out of the two nests, we got 25!
Congratulations! I know you’ve been waiting a long time for a good hatch! 😊

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