Just another DIY Incubator


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 16, 2015
Jennings County, IN
I built this incubator out of some scrap wood and parts I had laying around with the addition of a temperature controller from ebay ($13) and it works great. I tend to use it from time to time to show the young ones how incubation works and watch the chicks hatch.

First I built a wooden box, I made a divider wall with a hole cut on each end of it and glued/ brad nailed it in place. I secured a computer fan on one end and placed a dual light fixture in between the holes in the back compartment. Later I wired up a relay and a temperature controller so that I could get a steady even temp. I built two lids for it. One for the rear compartment and one for the front compartment. The front compartment has a plexiglass viewing window a small computer fan mounted to the plexiglass to help with circulation. I built a second box (a tray) and set it into the larger box and in front of the exhaust side or heated side of the box I put several small plastic tray so I could accurately modify the humidity. It requires 2 plugins to operate but does a great job. I call it the HATCHER. I usually only use it when the chicks go into lockdown. until then they stay in my larger incubator w/ a built in turner.

Here are some pics!!! I will have some more of the whole thing (including what it looks like with the covers off and internals showing) within a few days. as you can see I have a small batch hatching right now and the kids are super excited.

UPDATE!!! More pics

Removable Hatching tray

(2) 75w Black Light bulbs and fixture

12v computer fan

12v relay and back of temperature controller

12v computer fan (above hatching tray for circulation)

top view of heating area w/ electronics

inside of hatching area w/ tray removed and water dishes installed

inside of lid for hatching area

12v fan (used to pull air from hatching area and circulate it around the lightbulbs for heat)

Hatching tray installed (holes drilled to help circulate air and also protect chicks from fan)

top open with removable hatching tray and water dishes installed

removable water dish

hygrometer and temp sensor

front of temp controller

top view

3/4 view
The hatch rate is great I usually only see 1-2 bad eggs out of 40 per hatch and usually caused by bacteria inside the egg or the chick never rotated. Mind you I just use this for hatching.
I am sure lot of folks want to build one like your so it would be nice to include the part number list.
most all the parts were things I had laying around the house in the MISC Junk Bin. LoL.. The wood is all reclaimed/ scraps from other projects. I think the only think I bought was the temperature controller and the hygrometer. The Hygrometer is an ebay special for I think $3 or so and the Temp Controller was around $13 off ebay as well. It wasn't listed with any part number really just the label Temperature controller. If you were to buy the rest of the electronics I would say to pick up a

12 Volt Single Pole Single Throw Relay -------"typically found in automotive stores",
12 Volt DC Power Supply, --------"Radio Shack or you could find an old one at goodwill that went to something else and repurpose it"
(2) 75-100Watt Light Bulbs, -----"I used black light bulbs, They can't be florescent or LED"
(2) 12 Volt Computer Fans ------"Size is 3-4 inches"-------"mine came from a Junk computer"
2-bulb light fixture,---------"Home Depot"
and just a few scrap pieces of wire in varying lengths

Not sure if that helps much. I could Draw a Wiring Diagram out as well and try to make it as simple as possible
Here is a link to the type of relay
............------ http://www.radioshack.com/12vdc-40a-spst-automotive-relay/2750001.html#.VOkxzyzjIwc -------..........

Here is a link to the type of controller

Celsius Model......-------------- http://www.ebay.com/itm/131127522157?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT ----------........
Fahrenheit Model...-------------- http://www.ebay.com/itm/281294885235?_trksid=p2060778.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT ---------........

Here is a link to the hygrometer I use

...............------------- http://www.ebay.com/itm/311029550070?_trksid=p2060778.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT ----------.............

I don't know the part numbers exactly but I think that these links will help
Thanks for sharing. I am not plan to build 1, but do like to see how it done. I own a Brinsea Echo 20 and trying not to hatch too many chicks due to space issue and feed cost. I am thinking modify the Brinsea with new box for 40 eggs max. I also plan to build a new improve treader box feeder this summer.

By the way, you need to post the wiring diagram. Without that, it hard to go about it. I don't have the controller so not sure how many wires are there. I am assume a) 12V PC fan will be on all the time b) There is the thermal couple wire must attach to the controller c) The light bulbs must wire series with controller circuit
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