Remembering 2002-21For New DIY Preps


5 Years
May 14, 2019
Its December 24 and I just started to think about the Big Freeze we had four years ago and with Murphy's Law still in effect. I thought I would post some of How my wife and I pulled off prepping for it. We are Prepping for the next one. We Raise Goats and meat is on of the things we dont worry about, We are almost 100% off grid. Old wood stove. Photos did not make the paste I will have to add them in.

On Solar Keep failures on the cheap it wont hurt as much
Reflections Back on DIY Solar
Advice ( PLAN to Expand You Will. If you just want Lights and TV you will get by at 1000 watts easy)
I was just sitting Back an Thinking back to the Old Solar DIY Web Site and T Thought I would Share some of the Tricks I used to get to the 12 Volt world.
I have to admit the Old HF and Irontron Harbor freight Kits Were the way to Learn. Not cost effective but great for Learning.
I guess the biggest Decision was to enter the 12 volt world and stay there. In 2011 it was a foolish idea but it became a goal. However all things would not run on 12 volt. A inverter would have to be in the Mix. I will just go though how I remember it Started. And My Basic Needs were first Lights and a TV and Radio were first up and I refused to go for the High dollar 12 Volt appliances I had seen on the web, I simply looked at our house like a car and it became Clear It could be done The Lights and TV with no Inverter. Then We made the Decision we would never go with A GTI inverter.
12 volt LEDs There were 12 volt LEDs for Lighting up RV , But thing had to be transparent to my wife. So We decide to Spend Time and Make a game of hitting Garage sales For Basic Dome Lights that could be gutted and Have the LEDs installed and room for a pull chain switch. We needed 22 to light up our house. It took a while but we got them, Made the modification and Call the company who made the LED Panels. The lights put out 510 lumens and only pulled 0.4 AMPs. TVs and DVD player I was surprised that these were not much of a Issue, If you look at the back of the TV DVD players on the transformer (That Brick on the Power Cord) If its say 12 volt out to the TV its a Breeze to make it work,

We Wired the Lights up with Romex 12 and 14 gauge. Mostly picked up from Garage sales. Some of the Lights had to have wall switches and this was so the system was transparent to my wife. Hey If she wont use it no sense in doing it. It took extra time but if mama aint happy nobody s happy and its a waste, The Hardest part of this was installing the wiring.
The Panels on the 12 volt side are All HF or Irontron 45 or 60 watt kits. I also now had spare components too .Two Golf Cart Batteries that have been in use since 2012. Died at 8 Years Since replaced.
The Basic Goals were met. We light up a 4000 sqft House TV DVD with this system. The awesome part My Wife who had been a skeptic noticed the Electric bills had dropped. I never saw a dime of the savings but she did and she was on Board Hard.
There were no inverters to this point. I am Color blind So I cooked a LED Panel. But that was on Me not the Panel,
Second I now knew I could do the Labor part of it. Then We took a good look at comfort. Fridge Cooling Food These were not going to be simple. We Did find a 12 Volt Mini Fridge that worked well cooling but it just wasn't big enough. 12 Volt Fans Yep but not cool enough.
Cash was a Issue. This would have to be done in Steps and olny if found to be efficient amps had to be minimum
Cooling We went with two 4000 CFM Evap coolers we had them already and they Pulled 4.5 to 9 Amps. The Re fridge pulled 5 amps but it wasn't on all the time AC in 2012 was a pipe dream. The Evaps would be it and we have never had AC So it was going to be a step up.
Wiring was a Issue 10 Gauge wire was overkill to me but is was a Whole roll found at a estate sale.
Wiring the outlets proved to be just as tough at the Previous wiring was for the 12 volt system.
Then Came Mamas Demand The Washing Machine Had to be On it and the dryer. ( Both are tall orders for a rookie)
One I got all the Wires installed Wall sockets We Made a power room. We did want enough Juice so for this portion we went with a 8 golf cart Battery bank separate from the Light TV system. I definitely did not want a central point of failure

Charge controllers I went with PWM, These are cheep and I could Keep a bench stock of them. In 8 years only two Died. The MPPTs are said to be better But My Pockets are not that deep. Panels I went with 18 158 Watt panels ( 7 years Ago these were High Priced)
Then Came the inverters. HF 2000 watts MSW did the trick but left on it was a hog. I put it on a switch. It is on when needed. Then Came a waist a Pure Sin Wave inverter 1500 watt 3000 watt Peak. Sadly this sits and gathers dust.
I don't think I can Mention the company Name. I bought it at around 200 bucks and I miss my cash.
Bought a HF 6000-10000 watt but it for some reason I could not run a Gas Dryer, I still have it as a back up.
I then found a Tripp Lite 2000 – 4000 watt It ran everything not all at once but it worked and It dumbed down when not in use Sleep Mode Nice. Its Been used now around the Six years mark and I have beat it daily. I have abuse this inverter.
Breakers were all 12 volt and found on line, Wire was found at Estates sales and we were not in a hurry so the thick wires needed were located on the cheep. I did have to do a lot of research into what amps went to what wires and how long the runs had to be.
Currently we are working on a 20 Panel Array and going For AC along with the remote well pump that is Six acres away.
Photos will be posted as time permit. I am not a electrician or a professional solar installer. I am a goat Herder thats why the photos will reflect the Hill billy look.
Batteries Keep in on the cheap while you learn, Rebuilt 6 Volt GC Bats don't cost much. How ever finding them is tough. We did all of this prior to the Big Freeze

Disaster Notes The Big Freeze 2020 2021
Here goes East Texas. We were froze in 7Days. 2021 The Big Freeze Snow and Ice No Power from the Grid. Natural Gas failed 5 days Straight. City water out 7 Days. Cops Fire Dept and EMS Out, Wind Turbine Froze solid. Lots of wind but locked up tight .We Are not on City NG we use minimal. Our wind turbine were encased in Ice.

What I had done was just barely enough to Support our Farm. Here is What. The piece of junk 12 volt cheep Chinese screw pump. Worked 1/2 inch Pipe into the well Slow as hell but there was water. ( Toilets and Drinking was OK) Minimal amp usage. I know in my reviews I had slammed this Pump but it worked and can be dropped into the well when lines are froze to the house./Cold water only the Hot water heater pipes had froze. ( I Cut the HW Pipes out and Slapped Valves in place them off )

The Big inverters Worked well, But My Main panels are 17 feet to 21 feet up. Covered with 8 inched of slow and Ice. Not good. Then Something did happen the 8 to 10 Year old HF /Irontron 40 and 60 watt Kits Panels did not care at all about the snow and Ice they were still shoving out 14 volts all four Kits. Covered with snow. We placed everything TV and small Fridge on this array. I did not even think these panels were) still working anymore. (Had not had time to remove them and now glad I did not ) I had considered them junk I have now bought two more HF 100 watt kits to expand this section of the array. (Lights tv and water we kept were OK by these junk kits) 2024 Dec update Currently 10 kits up bought the ebay for about a third of whet HF wanted for them.
Then Came Heating. NG went out. We had a NG generator 3000 watt no NG, No Heat. The wood stove became a life saver. We did have lots of wood stacked and went trough almost the entire stack we had stored the house. Lights heat and water though not perfect we had it.

Big Surprise or Disaster depends on how you look at it . Most certainly a wake up call
Then came Neighbors ( They all Think you are Insane until an event Like this Happens Then this)
Gasoline we maintained a supply of about 55 gallons and 55 gallons of diesel. The Gas stations had closed. No Power to run the pumps Local big chains shut down. I mean the Big boys Wally world all of them) When Neighbors see lights and TV on from the road, They Show up. Our inverters the 1500 watt ones ( He Had Spares from Learning days)we loaned out talk about grateful neighbors.( Same one who thought we are nuts) Wood we had a large excess in the woods. One neighbor came buy with a Tractor bucket loader and we filled it up for them and loaned an inverter to them too.
Some needed Gas and others Diesel. to my surprise none needed food. It is yet to bee seen. (Lesson Learned Black out windows in our living space) Question in Mind How friendly are these folks going to be if and when this happens for a longer period of time SHTF day.
We did make it Clear we could not do this Long term. Two copied the well pump setup. PVC Pipe and fittings could not be found for weeks. I did pass out quite a bit of this. I HF Heat gun Let me make fittings. A new one of these is on the shelf also.
( Black out Window and Bigger dogs Needed ) We have since Added a electric fence and Two very unfriendly Curr Dogs

Items to work on and Stock

HF Kits 100 watt kits expand and Maintain them. When I see them on the cheap I buy them if I can
12 volt screw pump (on the shelf they fit on the end of a water hose and come with their own cord / and a water hole one for the pump one end on the faucet, These things are insanely Cheep I now have a 24/12 volt unit on the shelf.
158 watt Panels. Buying and stacking them in the barn to replace those in service. That day will come in one panel a month is the plan.
PVC Glue.2 Cans of Cold Weather type. Sandpaper. lowes and HD were out of alot of this stuff. Heat Gun to make Fittings with ( All hard ware stores we out of fittings and Valves after pipes thawed out Two weeks went by an still no PVC in the stores Glue was out of stock also)
Fittings and A couple of Valves
Cheap 2.5 ft fridge. Camping Supply Life saver and uses minimum amps
Pot belly Stove and wood for it. Offer Neighbors Trees to cut and Stack. Restocked the wood not one came buy to help. Yes the ones that Borrowed just drive by now.

Dried Beans/Rice and non perishable foods. ( When this happens again and it will I will need to be able to share. Starving Hungry folks will not like asking for beans. I do this because if they came for Fuel and Power the will sho up on the wrol day
Pellet Rifle and Pellets ( Small Game Squirrels and Rabbits) 22 AMMO I Now buy when I see it. Gonna need it
Note to self Place Panels low so I can clean the off never again on top of my house. High Pitch roof and Ice make it impossible to clean Ice and snow off of roof. Done All new Arrays are at the Six foot level. And wired to 240 volts out Two are still 12 volt.
Skill that was called upon by neighbors that made me useful to them. The ability to work around frozen and busted water lines for them so they had water.
Prep and Prep hard most of your neighbors will not and even the one you do not know will show up. God bless all of you

Well pump the 12 /24 Built in Mppt
Hey folks here is how the screw pump went
12 volt Chinese made screw type well pump 180 watt. Out of the box it looked OK the main issue is no manual or tech help available. Did it work yes but there were issues. The female cable adapter is mis marked the pos is actually the neg. Once that was sorted out there was no pumping at all despite the motor &pump submerged and slight humming motor sound in a 55 gallon drum of water. I shut it down and took a good look at it the top of the screw was sticking out 1/4 inch out past the rubber on top the pump for the heck of it I pushed on it with my thumb. It felt like is snapped back into a slot into a catch. I hooked it back up being careful not to Knock it around. Back into the 55 Gallon drum of h20. Kitchen sink water pressure of about 20 lbs on a water hose. Bottom line if you need high water volume/ pressure stay away from these pumps. If you plan is to be off grid and fill water tanks and have a booster pump on the tanks I would consider this on cost alone and if they offer an extended warranty I would get it. It hope this review will help some one there is no manufacture name at all on othese pumps It will work on 12 or 24 volts the controller is supposed to be in the pump per mfr . I will answer any questions about my no name cheapo well pump.

For now I am going to go after the next one I bought. I will write it up
Old friend. Thanks for the update I didn't know that's how its going on the Asian Pos and Neg. I have Recommended the Cheep 12 volt pump to some folks already. I tested a second one so fare it has to have an inverter but for now at only pulling 2.5 amp 1 HP with a tank on it. It ran 5 hrs and never broke a sweat. Its Chinese made. I will post a photo soon. It ran off ta cheep 2000/4000 watt inverter. You Know the brand well the cooling fans on the inverter never came on during this time. It Pulled at a 17 ft water table to 70 ft ( And its a Shallow well pump )Nice The well is the last thing I have on the Grid an I am close to nailing it. So how are you projects going? We dont hear from Ray Much anymore. Nice to hear you are still here. I am going to test the 1/2 hp submersible next week I will post how it goes.

OK took a while but 2 more pumps put through the ringer. And these will work off a 2000/4000 MSW inverter. The first one was the Cheep Tank 1 HP combination. Watter level is at 17 feet so everything is Base on Shallow well. The only reason I did not keep the 115 volt 1HP/Tank combo in the ground and use it. It States on the Box Not for potable water. Power was good and pressure got up to speed fast. Install was simple and surprisingly pain free. The 2000/4000 watt inverter did not break a sweat with this pump. They Now make on for Potable water. I will have one of these in my Reserve as a Backup. It Made the Inverter pull about 40 amps out of the 225 amp bay. However I was putting 80 amps back in. The Pump Held up way better than expected.

Second Pump was a very inexpensive Convertible just pump ½ HP From HD, ECO FLO 1/2 HP Convertible Deep Well Jet Pump. It worked very well filling a 45 Gallon Tank and putting the pressure up to 50 PSI it is a heave beast but it did the job. If my Battery bay was bigger I would have left this one installed. I ran it pumping water level at 17 feet so I set it up as a shallow well configuration. It Ran continuously for about three hrs. Then it inverter protected my batteries and shut off. But still I rarely run may water wide pen in the swamp I live in. The pressure was awesome for being on solar. It did pull a lot of amps but if your battery bay is larger than two batteries not bad. It did pull more amps than the 1 HP Combo from HF Why I do not know. The unit was Noisy and I mean loud but for the price it was something I and our Goats could live with.
I will post pics of the pumps later. I am waiting for a submersible pump to review at this time.

Post our Projects. So we can learn from each other, Yahoooo

As Power need increased so did the 12 Volt System.
Note Batteries have lasted 8 years. I am when I get My Tax refund am going to replace them.

These are some of the uses I Have found for Rope Lights. I have found these things

1.The Batts Last 2 Years. 1 st time replacing is a bear to learn. But Not Impossible and The replacements Batts are still going.

2. Best usage for me are remote sheds and stalls. Best adhesive for me Not duct tape but Gorilla Tape (dont skimp I did once.

3. Mirrors do Help.

3. Doubling up 2 Ropes lights instead of 1 rope .Red Neck Neighbors ask and copy.

4 Backings dollar store Plastic Shiny mirrored surfaces work best.( Serving trays amd yes they have been in service for a long time)) Slap (epoxy)a Garage sale mirror in the middle.

Keep the experiment Cheep. Unless the wife likes walking in lit woods mine does

Battery Bay and Solar shower/ Water heater pics
Water heater for showers and Hot water to Wife's washing Machine

Photos Ask and I will explane thank you for your time



Power room Growth Solar water heater and Yes it works well Shower and Feeds Mommas Kitchen


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