Just joined in Colorado Springs

Welcome to BYC!
We're glad to have you.

I'm also a fan of the Wyandotte. Mine have laid usually around 250-300 or so eggs a year, so they are pretty good layers. They are the most personable of my chickens and come in many pretty color varieties.
We have raised chickens in the past and are looking to start again. I miss my birds, they have the best personalities!
I would like to try Speckled Sussex (red) and am interested in learning about other heardy, large egg layers. So, any suggestions would be appreciated.
Also I would love to know if anyone has any young layers they would be willing to part with.
Thank you. We are looking forward to this great new journey with BYC!
The Misses
If you're open to Barred Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island Red's, we ordered chicks due to arrive in Dec. We had to order 15 to get them in winter, so if you want to start as chicks, we might be able to help.

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