Just talking about ducks.


Apr 1, 2022
These are my two ladys, they are very mischievous, and intelligent.

I am still working on getting them used to people picking them up (they imprinted on me as ducklings, but hate being picked up) so Im trying to make being picked up as enjoyable as I can (like giving them a cup of water with some sunflower seeds in it, being patient with them.) so far, the one up front is doing really well. She still needs work though. But they are doing fantastic, the one in the back, is the leader, the other allways follows her lead.

Now for the big question, how did you get your ducks to be okay with being picked up, and what personality does your ducks have?
Honestly, it all depends on the duck's personality. I have some that will tolerate being held, some that like being pet but not picked up, and then some that run if I even look at them! And it has nothing to do with being hand-raised or not.

I've noticed my boys are more accepting than my girls, though.

As for personalities, all kinds! From shy and secretly hiding a mischievous side, to downright bold and willing to take on the world! One of my roughly-eleven-week old ducklings, which I got at 5 weeks old and completely wild, will now come up to me and start nipping me to demand treats. He's the boldest of all my ducks, and is going to be a holy terror come mating season next year... I think he's overcompensating for me having named him Pudding.
Honestly, it all depends on the duck's personality. I have some that will tolerate being held, some that like being pet but not picked up, and then some that run if I even look at them! And it has nothing to do with being hand-raised or not.

I've noticed my boys are more accepting than my girls, though.

As for personalities, all kinds! From shy and secretly hiding a mischievous side, to downright bold and willing to take on the world! One of my roughly-eleven-week old ducklings, which I got at 5 weeks old and completely wild, will now come up to me and start nipping me to demand treats. He's the boldest of all my ducks, and is going to be a holy terror come mating season next year... I think he's overcompensating for me having named him Pudding.
You are going to have your hands full with that duckling, and that makes sense, one of my ducks likes being pet, and kinda held? They tolerate it better then the other one, but what they really love is eating the plants they should not be eating. Kale mostly. Sometimes eggplant leaves. They look at you while they do it as if saying “You can’t stop me”
You are going to have your hands full with that duckling, and that makes sense, one of my ducks likes being pet, and kinda held? They tolerate it better then the other one, but what they really love is eating the plants they should not be eating. Kale mostly. Sometimes eggplant leaves. They look at you while they do it as if saying “You can’t stop me”
Don't I know it, lol!

Yeah, I came home one day to find my entire garden destroyed. I'd read they wouldn't touch gardens. Boy, was that wrong!
I'm in the same boat as you - mine also hate being picked up, which really makes me sad! In the past few weeks I've made significant progress by using their favorite treats (watermelon, romaine, mealworms, and thawed frozen edamame) and petting their heads and chests as they eat from my hand so they get used me touching them. It really seems to be working. I can pick up two of them with mild success.. they struggle a bit and seem to only be tolerating me until they can get more treats but I'll take it!!!

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