Keeping Fish

how do u fix a leeking fish tank

The best way is to re-do ALL the seals in the tank using aquarium grade silicone -- be sure to remove ALL the old silicone (razor blade), follow the instructions thoroughly and especially allow the appropriate "cure" time --- or make it a reptile tank and get a new/new-to-you tank with good seals.
The best way is to re-do ALL the seals in the tank using aquarium grade silicone -- be sure to remove ALL the old silicone (razor blade), follow the instructions thoroughly and especially allow the appropriate "cure" time --- or make it a reptile tank and get a new/new-to-you tank with good seals.

That was assuming the leak is on a seal -- if the leak is in the glass itself that's another matter all together and you still redo the seals but also replace the pane in question.....not for the faint of heart.
That was assuming the leak is on a seal -- if the leak is in the glass itself that's another matter all together and you still redo the seals but also replace the pane in question.....not for the faint of heart.

The best way is to re-do ALL the seals in the tank using aquarium grade silicone -- be sure to remove ALL the old silicone (razor blade), follow the instructions thoroughly and especially allow the appropriate "cure" time --- or make it a reptile tank and get a new/new-to-you tank with good seals.
ther are no cracks in the glass so I'm pretty shore it is in the seal

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