Keeping pigeons or dove on a budget


Premium Feather Member
Jun 6, 2024
Southeastern US
My Coop
My Coop
So I have looked into keeping either however they’re kinda pricey.😬How could I keep them and not spend $200?TIA!!FYI I have an incubator,a covered porch to keep the birds on,and experience with chickens and quail.
Keeping pigeons is not like chickens, or quail. First,,, It is quite difficult to hatch them incubator method. Once they hatch, they are fed crop milk, by both parents.
Yes, it is possible,,,, but impractical to raise baby pigeons on your own. (without the parent pigeons)

So, If you want some pigeons,,, there are more than one way to get some.
Consider a rescue service that may offer them to you at low price.

Consider racing pigeon clubs, members that may consider culling their flocks of their slower birds.

Consider low priced pigeons available on Craig's List. Or post a Wanted Barn Pigeons, ad. If in farm area, you may luck out.

Consider Live poultry stores, that may carry live rabbits, and pigeons as well. They sell to process and you take home and cook. You can just opt to take live home. I know of 3 such stores in Chicago Metro, that I have purchased pigeons from in past. Search in your area if such stores are around.

Finally, consider capturing some feral pigeons from under bridges at night. Not sure if that is viable option for you. I know that here in Chicago, I can find a number of places where feral pigeons hang out.
It does get challenging if you are new to capturing pigeons.

Once you locate some,,, I can give you all the info on propagating your flock of pigeons.
Info on Lofts,,, feed,, and everything else.

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and :welcome
Consider looking in a thrift sore. Or looking for some on Offerup, or Craigs' list used.
If you have ability,, you can make your own cage. Lowest cost would be Chicken wire. Next level would be 2 by 4 welded wire. Get the green painted. One roll would make a large cage.
I ended up building my pigeon coop all for free but it ended up being mere luck with me finding wood and materials due to spring cleaning and people throw away their “junk” in my neighborhood. If you want to start building a pigeon coop I’d just build it kind of in the style of a chicken coop. To find the pigeons for me was the hardest part in that it took many moths of patience and looking in Craigslist’s. Ended up buying homers but the hawks decimated them. So now I stick to the fancier breeds like German owl and jacobins. But local poultry auctions are a great place to buy them. Good luck!

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