Kentucky people

well, Bubba (buff orp roo) has been having a heck of a time with the three new orp girls. (had four new ones from Spydertoyz, sold one to the neighbor). They don't see him as "their roo"
poor guy, he just started crowing a week or two ago (after I got rid of Gump).

So today he's been chasing them down and forcing them to "tango". He'll chase them all over the yard, under the truck, around the woodpile, it is so funny watching him trying to convince them that he is Their roo.

Oh, and Fred, my gander, chased/knocked a call drake off his lady duck today

I may have to keep them apart come breeding season.

I think he would have ignored them except the duck started to make a lot of noise (obviously she wasn't in the mood). This time of year it doesn't bother me, but come spring, I want fertile eggs.

Monday the 12th doesn't sound like it will be very 'weather permitting', but it would be a good way to check and see if the building is cold-proof!

ladrifter's nephews are going to come on Thursday and help me, hopefully we'll be able to get at least the 'structure' of it done, then I'll just get to fight with the interior. That should be interesting

I'm wanting to make some big tractors from some of these hog panels too, idk if I'll get them to help with that or not, I really want to get my building done so I can get these baby chicks out of the house
Well, I got a new Aracuna roo (Big Boy) and you'd think he was a lepor... I have a single banty (little Rocky) he's the funniest roo...

I thought I'd get the girls a guy their own size and Big Boy is quite handsome but there sat little Rocky up on a stump with all the girls on the ground surrounding him.... Poor Big Boy will have to show more stuff if he wants to win those girls..... Thus far he's been on the other side of the yard from them...

Meri, you can send any chickens that won't fit into your new building back with Chuck and I'll take them.... I've been beating myself for not getting the girls that were with Big Boy.... They were sooooo pretty and what's a few more....

I got a free goat house and it has a lift top... DH says I never listen to him and when he and I were lifting the top he said for me to go around back to keep the top from banging the back so I let my side go AND.... you guessed it, the lid fell on his arm... no broken bones but very sore.... So I still don't have the goat house cleaned out and put in the barn area..... Maybe this weekend....
I may have baby chicks, ya want those?

They are due to hatch this next saturday or sunday - just barnyard mixes from my hens, might be a few pure orps (if there are I'll have to keep those and any cochins
sorry) but any other mutts I can send along with Chuck.

I just stuck these in because I had some that ought to be pure, but I didn't know which ones

Plus, Shelley had me pick up her babies, and they were so cute and fluffy, I had to set eggs.

I have about 15 or so eggs in there (of my hens eggs) and 5, I believe, are orps and two may be purebred cochins (LF), so I guess we'll see what the others are when they hatch. Then a few days later I have the BR Bantam eggs I got from Rick to set into the hatcher (hope those hatch!!! I've been wanting some of those.)

Let me know if ya want the babies.

heres a picture of my 3month old barred rock cockerel brooding my (2) 2 1/2 month old guineas on the cold night last friday!!!
Haha, that's something CA-reds. I had an Old English bantam rooster that took it upon himself to care for a batch of chicks, after the new mother hen just quit watching them after a few days from hatching them.
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I have ducks raising chickens and chickens raising ducks.... it all depends on who's stolen the eggs to sit on....

One of my Scovies has a single duck and a single chicken both are now 3-4 mths old and they still hang out with her.... I'm always afraid that the chicken will try to swim in the pond with her "mom"...

Hey Chuck.... I guess I should have asked if you're okay with stopping by to drop off chicks from Meri.... If you'd like to stop on your way down, I'll give you the pumpkin bread some for you and some for Meri....
How cute! But are you sure your BR is a cockerel? It's pretty dark to be a male... Do the legs have dark shading up the fronts? You may have you a girly there. Some just develop their combs quicker than others.

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